What’s New in Indigenous Watchdog? Updates as of Dec. 31, 2022

Calls to Action (C2A) Status: Dec. 31, 2022

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete
StatusLegacy Calls to Action
(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65
Reconciliation Calls to Action
Not Started2, 9, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 6445, 46, 47, 55, 56, 89
Stalled6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 3258, 62, 71, 77, 78, 87, 92, 93
Complete13, 15, 4149, 59, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 84, 85, 94
Legacy Calls to Action include “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Legal System” (50-52) and “Education for Reconciliation (62-65) in order to keep all “Justice” and “Education” Calls to Action in one location

See also “Perspectives” post for a complete 6-page colour-coded document summarizing all 94 Calls to Action

Calls to Action “technically” COMPLETE that are – in reality – NOT

The following Calls to Action are technically “Complete” but still require extensive followup activity to either implement recommendations coming out of the Call to Action (#s 41, 67, 70) or require more endorsements from provincial and territory jurisdictions (# 80).

C2A # 41 (previously “Stalled”) and C2A # 67 (previously “In Progress”) have now been labelled as “COMPLETE”

C2ACall to Action OutcomeComment
41Appoint public inquiry into MMIWGTechnically complete but National Action Plan to implement ALL 231 Calls to Justice is still very much in progress
67Fund national review of museum policies and best practicesFunding committed in April 2019; report submitted on Sept. 27, 2022 with 10 recommendations and 30 new standards for implementing UNDRIP
70Fund national review of archival policies and best practicesSubmitted report on Feb. 24, 2022 describing a Reconciliation Framework with 8 Principles, 7 objectives and strategies for achieving objectives
80Establish National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a statutory holiday8 provinces representing 93% of the Indigenous population in Canada DO NOT recognize Sept. 30 as a statutory holiday
All four are tagged with a * on the Status Update table in “Perspectives” to indicate that they are still active

Changes in Call to Action Status

C2ADescriptionStatus ChangeWhy has the Status Changed?
6Repeal Section 43 of Criminal CodeNOT STARTED to STALLEDBill 263 introduced in Parliament
41Appoint public inquiry into MMIWGSTALLED to COMPLETESee above
67Fund national review of museum policies and best practicesIN PROGRESS to COMPLETESee above

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

They following presents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions across ALL themes that are either advancing reconciliation (Legacy and Reconciliation C2As and Government Commitments) or creating roadblocks (Current Problems)

Section20202021Feb. 11, 2022May 13, 2022July 4, 2022Aug. 20, 2022Oct. 16, 2022Dec. 2, 2022Dec. 31, 2022YTD
Current Reality264771296104250
Current Problems18921315444042546852315
Legacy C2As9615920271922345511188
Reconciliation C2As5588820211918274117
Govt. Commitments8641112748
Other Issues8111316161478
Indigenous Success Stories17139149365


  • Current Reality includes ALL 94 Calls to Action
  • Legacy C2As, Reconciliation C2As and Government Commitments represent positive steps that advance reconciliation
  • Current Problems includes all “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation
  • “Other Issues” presents information on Drinking Water Advisories, Food Insecurity, Urban Commitments to Reconciliation, Housing, Environment and Treaties and Land Claims

New Sections

SectionCall to Action ThemeWhere located
Indigenous Birthing PracticesChild WelfareC2A # 1 Landing Page
Bill C-273EducationC2A # 6 Landing Page
UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2023)Language and CultureHome Page: Background Content
English Alphabet Privilege over Indigenous LanguagesLanguage and CultureC2A # 17 Landing Page
Challenges for Special InterlocutorMissing Children and Unmarked GravesHome Page: Current Problems
Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool and Indigenous MediaMedia and ReconciliationHome Page: Background Content

Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

BCDec. 8FNBC Assembly of First Nations welcomes BC Cabinet restructuring and new members
FederalDec. 9FN, M, IMinister Wilkinson releases Canada’s $3.8B Critical Minerals Strategy to seize generational opportunity for cleaner, inclusive growth
FederalDec. 13MMétis National Council and Canada sign MOU on Métis health and wellness
FederalDec. 13FN, M, IAccess to Information Review’s final report including “What We Heard report on Indigenous Consultations”
FederalDec. 14MLeaders of Métis National Council and Governing members and Cabinet Ministers meet and reconfirm commitment to the Canada-Métis Nation Accord
FederalDec. 16FN, M, ICanada continues to support Indigenous groups across the country to advance self-determination and rebuild their nations
ManitobaDec. 21FN, MManitoba government launches EngageMB Survey to inform “New Water Action Plan

Current Problems with Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation

Update to “First Nations, “Métis”, “Inuit
Dec. 5, 2022: Report finds Indigenous NWT employees largely working entry-level jobs
Update to “First Nations”, “Inuit
Dec. 5, 2022: Systemic Racism and Discrimination: A clear message sent to the government of Québec
Update to “First Nations”, “Métis”, “Inuit
Dec. 15, 2022: At this rate, Canada won’t meet Truth and Reconciliation Calls until 2065, Yellowhead report suggests

Legacy Calls to Action

Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Bill C-92“: Federal, Québec
Dec. 5, 2022: AFN will continue to fight for First Nations jurisdiction as affirmed in an “Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families
Update to “Bill C-92”: Northwest Territories
Dec. 12, 2022: NWT says federal Indigenous child and families act infringes on Territorial Authority
Update to “Canadian Human Rights Tribunal”
Dec. 9, 2022: AFN First Nations-in-Assembly pass resolution by consensus on compensation for children and families
Update to “Child and Youth Advocate Reports”: BC
Dec. 12, 2022: Children’s Advocate questions BC’s ability to overhaul foster-care system after death of Cree teen
Update to “Canadian Human Rights Tribunal”
Dec. 22, 2022: Human Rights Tribunal says Indigenous Services Minister and Assembly of First Nations misled public on $20B child welfare deal
Call to Action # 1

Federal, provincial and territory governments to commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care

Update to “Indigenous-led Initiatives”
Dec. 5, 2022: Indigenous-led program unites families, diverts kids from child welfare system in 98% of cases
Update to “Actions and Commitments”: BC
Dec. 21, 2022: First rent supplements begin for youth from care in BC
Home Page – Background Content
NEW SECTION: Indigenous Birthing Practices
Dec. 18, 2022: Why Indigenous women are bringing ‘the first ceremony’ – birth – back to their communities
Call to Action # 4

Federal government to enact Indigenous child welfare legislation

Update to “Bill C-92”:
Dec. 18, 2022: How one First Nation aims to break the cycle of trauma with new child ‘well-being’ law


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Indigenous identity
Dec. 14, 2022: Rescind Turpel-Lafond’s honorary degrees or we’ll return ours, say high profile Indigenous women
Call to Action # 6

Federal government to repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code

Dec. 8, 2022: NDP urges House of Commons to pass bill banning spanking, physical punishment of children


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Indigenous Languages in Canada “
Dec. 21, 2022: Racism report’s idea for naming river ‘Wolastoq Saint John’ is tone-deaf, chief says
Home Page – Background Content
NEW SECTION: UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2023)
Dec. 6, 2022: First Nations National Action Plan: UN International Decade of indigenous Languages (2022-2023
Update to “Indigenous Cultural Success”: Ontario
Dec. 22, 2022: Establishment of Indigenous Cultural Integrity Advisory Committee
Call to Action # 17

Federal, provincial and territory governments to enable residential school survivors to reclaim Indigenous names

NEW SECTION: English Alphabet Privilege over Indigenous Languages
Dec. 9, 2022: OPINION: Can’t read ‘c̓aləχʷəlenəx’? For Indigenous Canadian’s, that’s a point of pride


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Ongoing Health Crisis”: Federal
Dec. 2, 2022: Government of Canada announces nearly $10M to support Indigenous communities to address substance-related harms
Update to ‘Ongoing Health Crisis”: Québec
Dec. 20, 2022: A hospital in northern Québec could cut down on the long journey to Montreal for medical travel
Update to “Joyce’s Principle”
Dec. 5, 2022: Systemic Racism and Discrimination: A clear message sent to the government of Québec
Update to: Systemic Racism”: QC
Dec. 2, 2022: Bill on cultural safety in health coming, Québec says, following forced sterilization study
Update to “Systemic Racism”: Manitoba
Dec. 9, 2022: The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs calls on province to reconsider decision to close E.M. Crowe Memorial Hospital in Eriksdale, Manitoba
Update to “Systemic Racism”: Ontario
Dec. 9, 2022: Panel to assess Indigenous patient care after death of a young women in St. Catherines
Update to “Systemic Racism”: Nunavut, QC
Dec. 15, 2022: When their child’s doctor is 2,800 kms away, Inuit families face tough choices
Update to ‘Systemic Racism”: Manitoba
Dec. 20, 2022: Province releases “Health Status of Manitobans Report” – the gap in health problems between Indigenous communities and other people is widening
Call to Action # 21

Federal government to provide ongoing funding for existing and new Aboriginal Healing Centres

Update to “Investments in Indigenous Healing Centres”
Dec. 13, 2022: Canada and the Witset First Nation partner to launch the Witset Youth Healing Lodge project
Call to Action # 22

All those who can effect change within the health care system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices

Update to “Medical Organization Commitments””
Dec. 7, 2022: First Nations Health Mangers Association and Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Relationship Agreement
Call to Action # 23

Federal, provincial and territory governments to increase the hiring and retention of Indigenous healthcare workers

Update to “Current Reality”
Dec. 20, 2022: Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA) release Indigenous Nursing Student and Faculty Survey Report 2020-2021
Update to “Actions and Commitments: Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing”
Dec. 20, 2022: Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA) release Indigenous Nursing Student and Faculty Survey Report 2020-2021
Call to Action # 24

Medical and Nursing Schools to ensure all students take a course on Indigenous health issues and history

Update to “Commitments to Indigenous Health and Cultural Safety”: Nova Scotia
Dec. 15, 2022: New Indigenous cultural safety training for heath care providers


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Systemic Racism”: Federal, Manitoba
Dec. 5, 2022: Native Women’s Association of Canada calls out Canada for doing little to stop genocide following killing of four women in Winnipeg
Update to “Systemic Racism”: Federal
Dec. 6, 2022: Race and gender discrimination fuel violence against Indigenous women”
Update to “Systemic Racism”: New Brunswick
Dec. 16, 2022: Systemic Racism report calls for New Brunswick task force NOT the Inquiry sought by First Nations
Update to “Systemic Racism in Policing”: Ontario
Dec. 5, 2022: Assembly of First Nations stands with Kiashke Zaaging Anishinabek (Gull Bay First Nation) in action against Canada for inequitable funding and support for First Nation Police Services
Update to “Systemic Racism in Policing”: Québec
Dec. 21, 2022: Unanimous decision of the Québec Court of Appeal: Governments urged to end underfunding of Indigenous police services across Canada
Update to “Legislative and Institutional Barriers”: BC
Dec. 6, 2022: Tŝilhqot’in question amendments to Bill C21
Update to “Court Challenges: Federal
Dec. 21, 2022: Indian Day School (IDS) survivors demand fair timeline to seek compensation
Update to “Target Indigenous Groups”: BC
Nov. 28, 2022: ‘Stonewalled’: Trans Mountain hides dealings with private security and spy firms
Update to “Targeted Indigenous Groups”: Manitoba
Dec. 8, 2022: Assembly of First Nations stands with family of Morgan Beatrice Harris and all MMIWG2S+ demanding dignity and justice
Update to “Targeted Indigenous Groups”: Manitoba
Dec. 6, 2022: Daughters of murdered Winnipeg woman call on police to recover remains from landfill
Update to “Targeted Indigenous Groups”: Manitoba
Dec. 13, 2022: Indigenous groups call for federal government to fund searches of Winnipeg area landfills for remains
Update to “Targeted Indigenous Groups”: Ontario
Dec. 12, 2022: A lifetime of agony: families of missing, murdered Inuit women call for answers
Update to “Targeted Indigenous Groups”: Manitoba
Dec. 26, 2022: Almost a fifth of Winnipeg’s homicides this year involved Indigenous women. These are their stories
Call to Action# 41

Appoint public inquiry into MMIWG

Update to “Government Commitments to Preventing Violence Against Indigenous Women”: Federal
Dec. 5, 2022: Berens River First Nation and the Government of Canada launch Chief Elsie Bouchie Cultural Camp to revitalize Anishinaabe culture
Update to “Government Commitments to Preventing Violence Against Indigenous Women”: Nunavut, NWT
Dec.16, 2022: Almost $500K will help Ulukhaktok women’s society protect Inuit
Update to “Government Commitments to Preventing Violence Against Indigenous Women”: Ontario
Dec. 21, 2022: Canada and Big Grassy First Nation partner to launch the Big Grassy First Nation Cultural Space and Shelter Building Project

Reconciliation Calls to Action


Call to Action # 44

Federal government to develop national action plan and strategies to achieve UNDRIP goals

Update to “Working Group on Review of Laws and Policies
Dec. 13, 2022: Amendments to come to federal legislation following First Nations input


Update to “Current Reality”
Dec. 14, 2022: Bill C-29, “National Council for Reconciliation Act” is in Second Reading in the Senate after passing 3rd Reading in House of Commons on Dec. 11, 2022 by a vote of 315 to 0


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “National Gallery of Canada”
Dec. 13, 2022: National Art Gallery’s decolonization strategy questioned after staffing abruptly dismissed


Home Page – Current Problems
NEW SECTION: Challenges for Special Interlocutor
Dec. 7, 2022: New details coming to light says Special Interlocutor on unmarked graves and missing children


Home Page – Background Content
NEW SECTION: Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool and Indigenous Media
Dec. 9, 2022: Study supports growth of Indigenous university journalists in modern media
Call to Action # 86

Schools of Journalism to establish Indigenous History and culture course for all media schools

Update to” Canadian Association of Journalists”
Dec. 21, 2022: Canadian Association of Journalists releases annual “National Canadian Newsroom Diversity Survey” results


Call to Action # 92

Corporate Canada to adopt UNDRIP as a reconciliation framework, apply to policy and operations

Update to “Individual Business Initiatives”
Dec. 6, 2022: Ring of Fire Metals and Webequie First Nation sign MOU on Ring of Fire development

Other Issues

Update to “Suicide Prevention Initiatives”
Dec. 9, 2022: Métis Nation of BC and LivingWorks partner to provide comprehensive suicide prevention training to Métis communities in BC
Update to “Current Reality”
Dec. 14, 2022: Update Infographic and Table: 31 DWA still in effect in 27 Indigenous communities: 82% completion rate
Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Class Action Lawsuit”
Dec. 7, 2022: Individuals who lived on a First Nation that had a long-term DWA for more than a year are encouraged to submit a claim for compensation
Update to “Class Action Lawsuit”
Dec. 15, 2022: Residents from dozens of Saskatchewan First Nations qualify for compensation
Update to “State of Emergency”: Federal, Ontario
Dec. 20, 2022: State of Emergency declared amid water shortage in Oneida Nation of the Thames
Update to “Class Action Lawsuit”
Dec. 27, 2022: Oji-Cree First Nation frustrated as majority of community members ineligible for drinking water settlement


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Federal Budgets”
Dec. 4, 2022: Investments in Inuit housing inadequate, federal watchdog says
Home Page – Background Content
Update to “Government Programs”: Ontario
Dec. 9, 2022: Ontario investing in affordable housing in Thunder Bay
Update to “Government Programs”: Ontario
Dec. 15, 2022: Ontario providing more affordable housing in Cambridge
Update to “Government Programs”: Yukon
Dec. 15, 2022: Government of Yukon’s Office of the Auditor General’s Report Work Plan will enhance support for vulnerable Yukoners
Update to “Homelessness”: BC
Dec. 14, 2022: Thirty new shelters coming to Port Alberni


Home Page – Background Content
Update to “Individual Municipal Commitments”: Calgary
Dec. 6, 2022: Historic Partnership hopes to provide better support services for Indigenous families in Calgary
Update to “Urban Aboriginal Strategy”
Dec. 14, 2022: The Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtones du Québec launches work to create the Observatory of Urban Indigenous Realities


Home Page – Current Problems
Update to “Climate Change”
Dec. 2, 2022: Government of Canada invests $3.8M to support barren-ground caribou conservation in the NWT
Update to “Climate Change”
Dec. 13, 2022: Indigenous People’s have been the most effective stewards of animals and nature since time immemorial
Update to “Specific Industry Environmental Issues”
Dec. 8, 2022: Tahltan’s decades-long struggle to protect Sacred Headwaters
Update to ‘Environmental Impacts”
Dec. 13, 2022: Documents raise concerns feds backing off commitment to phase out fish farms in BC by 2025
Home Page – Background Content
Update to “Indigenous Leadership Initiatives: Guardians”
Dec. 7, 2022: Federal government commits to developing conservation finance model for Great Bear Sea
Dec. 7, 2022: Protecting more nature in partnership with Indigenous Peoples
Dec. 9, 2022: Indigenous Guardians connected by new national network in Canada: the first of its kind in the world
Dec. 14, 2022: Government of Canada and Manitoba and four First Nations zero in on a new Indigenous Protected Area in one of the world’s largest ecologically intact watersheds
Dec. 15, 2022: The promise and peril of Canada’s approach to Indigenous Protected Areas
Dec. 20, 2022: Massive intact lake in NWT to become Indigenous Protected Area: the Narwhal


Home Page – Current problems
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Federal
Dec. 8, 2022: First Nations leaders reject Trudeau’s proposed gun law, citing risk to treaty rights
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Alberta and Saskatchewan
Dec. 7, 2022: First Nations demand withdrawal of proposed Alberta Sovereignty, Saskatchewan First acts
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: BC
Dec. 9, 2022: Coastal GasLink protesters sentenced after pleading guilty to criminal contempt
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Federal, BC
Dec. 11, 2022: Delgamuukw 25 years on: How Canada has undermined the landmark decision on Indigenous land rights
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Alberta
Dec. 14, 2022: Smith apologizes over Indian Act comparison after remarks make some First Nations chiefs bristle
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Alberta
Dec. 19, 2022: Onion Lake First Nation files lawsuit challenging Alberta’s Sovereignty Act
Update to “Aboriginal Rights and Title”: Alberta
Dec.29, 2022: Why Indigenous leaders are speaking out against ‘sovereignty’ efforts in Alberta and Saskatchewan
Update to “Court Challenges”: Ontario
Dec. 12, 2022: For generations, Grassy Narrows residents have used the land for hunting. Now it’s in the middle of a lawsuit between Canadian mining corporations
Update to “Duty to Consult”: Ontario
Dec. 15, 2022: Matawa Chiefs Council call on Government of Canada to stop the colonial backroom deals and establish a dedicated federal crown table to prepare for the development of the Ring of Fire region’s critical minerals
Update to “Indigenous Laws and Governance”: Nova Scotia
Dec 19, 2022: Conflict over new Indigenous lobster fishery continues to smoulder amid some progress


ThemeDateIndigenous GroupComment
BusinessDec. 5First NationCCAB, announces the recipients of the 2023 Business Lifetime Achievement Awards and the Young Aboriginal Entrepreneur Award
Treaties & Land ClaimsDec. 19First NationsNaawi-Oodena officially becomes largest urban reserve in Canada after repatriation of Winnipeg barracks
Urban CommitmentsDec. 31First Nations‘This is Ktinaxa’. Indigenous elder and Order of Canada recipient Sophie Pierre on a lifetime of leadership and change in BC’s Kootenays

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