Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 42 : Justice (25-42)

Investments in policing in First Nations and Inuit communities

January 10, 2018

Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, announced a federal investment of up to $291.2 million over five years, starting in 2018–2019, for policing in First Nation and Inuit communities. This funding will be dedicated to communities currently served under the First Nations Policing Program (FNPP). For the first time, the federal funding commitment is on-going for the long-term and will include a 2.75% escalator to address inflation. Today’s announcement includes $102 million as proposed in Budget 2017; an additional $144.4 million, starting in 2018–2019, to support priorities such as officer safety, policing equipment and salaries; as well as $44.8 million, starting in 2019–2020, for up to 110 additional officer positions. Federal and provincial/territorial governments co-fund policing costs contained in agreements for policing in First Nation and Inuit communities. Provincial/territorial governments will be asked to increase their funding to maintain their share of 48 percent of the costs of the program. In 2015–2016, there were 185 police service agreements, with 1299 negotiated police officer positions in over 450 First Nation and Inuit communities across Canada.