“Mashkiwenmi-daa Noojimowin: Let’s Have Strong Minds for the Healing” is the first report of the First Nations Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2018 (FNOIS-2018). Objectives and Scope
The primary objective of the OIS- 2018 is to provide reliable estimates of the scope and characteristics of child abuse and neglect investigated by child welfare services in Ontario in 2018. Specifically, the FNOIS-2018 is designed to:
- examine the rate of incidence and characteristics of investigations involving First Nations children and families compared to non-Indigenous children and families;
- determine rates of investigated and substantiated physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional maltreatment, and exposure to intimate partner violence as well as multiple forms of maltreatment;
- investigate the severity of maltreatment as measured by forms of maltreatment, duration, and physical and emotional harm;
- examine selected determinants of health that may be associated with maltreatment; and
- monitor short-term investigation outcomes, including substantiation rates, out-of-home placement, and use of child welfare court.
Comparison between First Nations and non-Indigenous:
- child welfare investigations approximately three times more likely for a First Nations child
- Greater incidence of physical abuse (.5x), sexual abuse (3x), neglect (4.5x), emotional maltreatment (2x),
- exposure to intimate partner violence (3x) , risk of future maltreatment investigation (3.5x)
- Transfers to ongoing services: 6 x greater
- Out-of-home placement is 12.4 x greater
- Household risk factors: Social Assistance, Employment or other benefit (2 x);
The differences in rates between First Nations and non-Indigenous children and investigations must be understood in the context of understanding the impact of colonialism and the resulting trauma to children, families and communities.