Indigenous Success Stories

Suicide Prevention

Project CREATeS

March 4, 2020

Inuit Circumpolar CouncilCREATeS Is an Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group’s initiative which focuses on suicide prevention among Indigenous youth in the circumpolar north.

The next CREATeS (Circumpolar Resilience Engagement and Action Through Story) project iteration is Local2Global. By supporting Project CREATeS’ innovative social media campaign, the Government of Canada wants to raise awareness of the ongoing and important conversation about mental health and wellness, as told in a series of informational videos produced by Indigenous youth from Canada and beyond.

Approximately $240,000 has been invested over two fiscal years (2017-19) by Canada’s Circumpolar Directorate, to support the Sustainable Development Working Group’s CREATeS Project. In addition, in 2020, $170,000 has been allocated for Local 2 Global. The Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) has been supporting projects related to suicide prevention and mental health in the Arctic for over a decade. Canada, as a member of the SDWG, has been an important leader in this work.

We are proud and honoured to have the opportunity to the share powerful stories told by Indigenous youth in the videos they produced as part of Project CREATeS. The SDWG is committed to continuing this work. Our newest initiative, Local2Global, will build on this important work.”
Stefán Skjaldarson, Chair of the Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group

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Suicide Prevention

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