Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 42 : Justice (25-42)

Commitment to Community Policing

April 18, 2023

NationTalk: Alberta’s government will ensure Indigenous communities and municipalities have the support they need to study what kind of police service best meets their local needs.

Every Albertan should feel safe and secure in their communities and every community should be able to choose a policing model that meets their needs. Alberta’s government is investing in increased community safety by providing $6 million over two years for Indigenous and Municipal Police Transition Study Grants. These grants would provide Indigenous communities and municipalities with up to $30,000 each toward an independent study to determine if a local, self-administered police service or a regional policing model would be a better fit for their citizens.

“No one knows a community’s needs better than the people who live there. This funding will empower municipalities to explore different policing models that will improve public safety and address their community’s unique needs.”

Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services

The Indigenous and Municipal Police Transition Study Grants were created to assist communities interested in exploring different policing models. The grants will help communities cover the cost of conducting necessary research into local public safety needs, gaps, capital requirements and transition considerations.

To date, Public Safety and Emergency Services has received grant applications from 13 communities that are interested in a different policing model to meet their needs. The department is reviewing these applications and working with these and other communities that have expressed interest in applying.

“This funding provides municipalities with an excellent opportunity to study how best to meet their communities’ local and regional policing needs.”

Cathy Heron, president, Alberta Municipalities

Alberta’s government supports a community’s choice to determine what is best for its citizens, and assisting with the study and development of alternate policing models will help address the government’s public safety concerns. Every community has distinct needs, and each is in the best position to determine which policing model is best for them.

Budget 2023 secures Alberta’s future by transforming the health-care system to meet people’s needs, supporting Albertans with the high cost of living, keeping our communities safe and driving the economy with more jobs, quality education and continued diversification.

Quick facts

  • Under Alberta’s Police Act, towns and cities with populations greater than 5,000 are responsible for their own policing.
  • The Police Act gives municipalities the option of having their own police service, forming a regional policing arrangement or contracting for provincial policing services (i.e., the RCMP under Alberta’s provincial police service agreement).
  • Under an agreement reached in September 2022, the Siksika Nation will get its own self-administered police service. Siksika developed a business case in 2021 with assistance from a $30,000 provincial government grant.
  • Grande Prairie city council voted in March to create a municipal police service that will take over local policing from the RCMP.
  • Over the next two years, Alberta will provide Grande Prairie with a $9.7-million grant to establish a local police service.

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