What’s New in Indigenous Watchdog: 224 New Entries: May 1 – May 31, 2024

Calls to Action (C2A) Status: June 1, 2024

Not StartedStalledIn ProgressComplete
StatusLegacy Calls to Action
(1-42) + 50-52, 62-65
Reconciliation Calls to Action
Not Started2, 9, 10, 26, 34, 42, 51, 52, 6445, 46, 47, 55, 56, 89
Stalled6, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 25, 29, 30, 3558, 62, 71, 77, 78, 87, 92, 93
Complete13, 15, 4149, 53, 59, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 84, 85, 94

Legacy Calls to Action include “Equity for Aboriginal People in the Legal System” (50-52) and “Education for Reconciliation (62-65) in order to keep all “Justice” and “Education” Calls to Action in one location

See also “Perspectives” post for a complete 6-page colour-coded Status Updates document summarizing all 94 Calls to Action

Indigenous Watchdog Updates

The following presents a year-to-date statistical snapshot of stakeholder actions across ALL themes that are either advancing reconciliation (Legacy and Reconciliation C2As and Government Commitments) or creating roadblocks (Current Problems)

Section20222023Jan. 2024.Feb. 2024Mar. 2024April 2024May 2024YTD
Current Reality50311336518
Current Problems31510469010698142104540
Legacy C2As1883193537262229149
Reconciliation C2As117158131717151981
Govt. Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation481129147181462
Other Issues: Government Commitments78148201220171786
Background Content2043224384127162
Indigenous Success Stories3837564931


  • Current Reality includes ALL 94 Calls to Action and Other Issues
  • Legacy C2As, Reconciliation C2As, Government Commitments and Other Issues represent positive steps that are advancing reconciliation
  • Current Problems includes all those in “Calls to Action” plus “Other Issues” and “Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation
  • “Other Issues” presents information on Drinking Water Advisories, Food Insecurity, Suicide Prevention, Urban Commitments to Reconciliation, Housing, Environment and Treaties and Land Claims
  • Background Content provides additional context for Calls to Action and/or Themes
  • Multiple entries for an “Action or Commitment” or “Current Problem” have only been counted once

Notes on the Table Numbers

  • The 28 entries under Schools of Social Work (C2A # 1) are not included as they are the result of an independent project (24 English and 4 French)
  • The 11 additional Journalism Schools (C2A # 86) are not included as they are the result of an independent project


C2ADateC2A ThemeCurrent StatusDescription
63May 15EducationIn ProgressCouncil of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) Indigenous Education Plan: 2023- 2027

UPDATES to Current Reality

April 30JusticeSt. Annes’ lawyer calls for inquiry into Justice Canada’s handling of residential school records
May 2Child WelfareQuébec court authorizes off-reserve class-action lawsuit against Québec and Canada by Inuit
May 3National CouncilInuit Tapariit Kanatami considers rejecting role on National Council for Reconciliation, a reconciliation oversight body
May 14Drinking Water AdvisoriesUpdate to Table: 29 Long-Term Drinking Water Advisories (DWA) in 27 communities; 144 Long-Tern DWA lifted = 83% completed
May 23Missing ChildrenUpdated “TABLE: Discoveries of Unmarked Graves”: Nadleh Whut’en and Stellat’en First Nations search for unmarked graves at Lejac IRS

New Sections

AprilC2A # 86Journalism SchoolsComplete details on how each of 21 Journalism schools have responded to C2A # 86
AprilC2A # 1Schools of Social WorkComplete details on how each of 28 Schools of Social Work have responded to C2A # 1
Government Commitments
Actions and Commitments
Current Problems
Background Content
Indigenous Success Stories

Government Commitments

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/05/31 Matachewan First Nation reaches 4,572-acre land settlement with Ontario government
2024/05/30 Toll-free Racist Incident Helpline ready to provide support
2024/05/30 Change in electoral ridings in Yukon getting mixed reviews
2024/05/29 Alberta stronger than ever: Premier Smith
2024/05/27 Tahltan Elders Provide Direction & Next Steps regarding Tahltan Land Stewardship Plan
2024/05/24 Caroline Wawzonek: Budget Address
2024/05/24 Feds earmark $31M to Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahhogn redevelopment project
2024/05/24 In Saskatchewan, We Are All Treaty People
2024/05/24 A new recreation centre is coming to Abegweit First Nation
2024/05/20 In its pain and its hope, Winnipeg is Canada’s most vital laboratory for reconciliation 
2024/05/16 Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on recent meetings with Selkirk First Nation and Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation
2024/05/13 Lyackson First Nation, Cowichan Tribes, B.C. reach milestone agreement
2024/05/08 British Columbia commits to reconciliation with new action plan
2024/05/06 Appeals dismissed for father, son convicted in killings of Métis hunters
2024/05/02 Advancing reconciliation with a new Commissioner for Modern Treaty Implementation
2024/05/01 Ottawa commits another $187M to ‘shed colonial habits’ and help more First Nations assume control of land
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/05/31 Mapping the Growth of Indigenous Marine Protected and Conserved Areas
2024/05/31 Successful restoration of a historic mining site achieved through collaboration
2024/05/24 Conservation strengthened in Great Bear Rainforest
2024/05/23 Environmental racism bill on the verge of becoming law says Green Party leader
2024/05/17 Ottawa orders limits on Ontario petrochemical plants
2024/05/14 FireSmart BC™ Launches New Campaign Following Devastating 2023 Wildfire Season
2024/05/10 Government of Canada releases report on national efforts toward Boreal Caribou recovery
2024/05/10 Manitoba Government Announces Strategic Firefighting Investments to Support Northern and Rural Municipalities
2024/05/06 The Governments of Canada and Yukon Announce Funding to Further Support Flood Mapping Efforts in the Yukon
Home Page: Food Insecurity: Other Issues
2024/05/17 Giving every child the best start in life
2024/05/15 Indigenous program strengthens long-term rural food supply
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/05/22 Ontario Building More Supportive Housing in Ottawa
2024/05/10 Building affordable homes and stronger communities
2024/05/03 Manitoba Government Invests in Social Housing Units
Home Page: Suicide Prevention: Other Issues
2024/05/31 Government of Canada announces National Suicide Prevention Action Plan
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/05/22 Treaty Land Entitlement Transfer of Mineral Rights for Cowessess First Nation
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/05/22 Manitoba Métis Federation, City of Selkirk, and Rural Municipality of St. Andrews Sign First of Its Kind Memorandum of Understanding

Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 1: Child Welfare (1-5)
2024/05/29 Nipissing University's School of Social Work
2024/05/29 University of Toronto School of Social Work
2024/05/25 Moncton University School of Social Work
2024/05/25 Université de Moncton École de travail social
2024/05/25 Université de Montréal School of Social Work
2024/05/25 Université de Montréal École de travail social
2024/05/25 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi School of Social Work
2024/05/25 Université du Québec à Chicoutimi École de travail social
2024/05/25 University of Ottawa School of Social Work
2024/05/25 Université d'Ottawa École de travail social
2024/05/24 Wilfrid Laurier University School of Social Work
2024/05/24 Vancouver Island University School of Social Work
2024/05/24 University of Victoria School of Social Work
2024/05/23 King's Western University School of Social Work
2024/05/23 Lakehead University School of Social Work
2024/05/23 MacEwan University’s Bachelor of Social Work
2024/05/23 McGill University School of Social Work
2024/05/23 Memorial University School of Social Work
2024/05/23 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology's Bachelor of Social Work
2024/05/23 St. Thomas University School of Social Work
2024/05/23 Thompson Rivers University School of Social Work 
2024/05/23 Toronto Metropolitan University School of Social Work 
2024/05/23 Trent University School of Social Work
2024/05/23 University of British Columbia School of Social Work
2024/05/23 University of Calgary School of Social Work
2024/05/23 University of Manitoba School of Social Work
2024/05/23 University of Northern British Columbia School of Social Work
2024/05/23 University of Regina School of Social Work
2024/05/23 University of the Fraser Valley School of Social Work and Human Services
2024/05/22 Algoma University Faculty of Social Work
2024/05/22 Carleton University School of Social Work
2024/05/17 York University School of Social Work
Call to Action # 7: Education (6-12)
2024/05/23 Native Council of Nova Scotia Breaks Ground on Indigenous Employment & Training Facility in Truro
Call to Action # 10: Education (6-12)
2024/05/30 East Central First Nations Education Partnership celebrates opening on James Smith
Call to Action # 13: Language and Culture (13-17)
2024/05/30 Toddlers get chance to learn Michif language in new pre-K program in Battleford
2024/05/29 Sol Mamakwa breaks a language barrier in Ontario
2024/05/26 'Language is identity': First Nation legislator to make history at Ontario legislature
Call to Action # 18: Health (18-24)
2024/05/29 Meet the people trying to improve Indigenous patients’ experiences
2024/05/28 Why one doctor is calling for more Indigenous supports in Sask. hospitals
2024/05/23 Virtual health hub for Sask. residents finds home on Whitecap Dakota First Nation
2024/05/19 Free period products headed to northern and remote communities
2024/05/17 Niagara Health releases first Indigenous Health Services Plan
2024/05/10 Ontario Connecting People in Thunder Bay to Mobile Mental Health Services
2024/05/02 New supports for allied health, clinical support workers will boost workforce
Call to Action # 21: Health (18-24)
2024/05/23 Young people in East Kootenays benefit from more mental-health, addiction care
2024/05/07 New community building for Edmonton with federal investment of $21M
Call to Action # 23: Health (18-24)
2024/05/13 Building bridges: MGH program cultivates support and trust with Indigenous patients
2024/05/08 SCO Celebrates First Nation Nurses
Call to Action # 24: Health (18-24)
2024/05/31 June is National Indigenous History Month
2024/05/06 Ensuring incoming cohorts of medical students better represent the diversity of Indigenous communities in Canada
Call to Action # 27: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/14 To better understand the regulation of the profession – The Barreau du Québec Releases Informative Video Clips Intended for Indigenous Communities
Call to Action # 29: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/31 Federal court approves $2B settlement agreement for Indian boarding home survivors
Call to Action # 30: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/03 Governments of Canada, Saskatchewan and Prince Albert Grand Council announce funding to study implementation of Indigenous-led police services
2024/05/02 Northeastern Ontario gets its first Indigenous Peoples Court
Call to Action # 38: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/16 Helping youth involved in the Criminal Justice System reintegrate into their communities
Call to Action # 41: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/30 Criminologist says new DNA cracking cold cases in record time
2024/05/05 'We deserve justice': Red Dress Day events in downtown Winnipeg honour MMIWG2S+
2024/05/03 Manitoba partners with federal government on Red Dress Alert for missing Indigenous women and girls
2024/05/03 Funding for community projects supports Indigenous women
2024/05/01 ‘A place that nobody wants to be:’ Police search Saskatoon landfill for missing woman
Call to Action # 42: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/03 New Indigenous Justice Centre in Nanaimo offers culturally responsive services
Call to Action # 53: National Council for Reconciliation (53-56)
2024/05/02 Bill C-29 passes in Parliament
Call to Action # 63: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)
2024/05/15 CMEC Indigenous Education Plan: 2023-27
2024/05/14 $1.7M announced in Alberta for training teachers in rural and remote communities
Call to Action # 65: Education for Reconciliation (62-65)
2024/05/27 IRC launches ‘first of its kind’ Inuvialuit research network
Call to Action # 66: Youth Programs (66)
2024/05/31 Youth share their dreams of a reconciled Canada
Call to Action # 67: Museums and Archives (67-70)
2024/05/13 Archaeology conference aims to centre Indigenous perspectives in work on ancestral sites
Call to Action # 75: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76)
2024/05/15 Nadleh Whut'en to search former Lejac Residential School grounds
Call to Action # 79: Commemoration (79-83)
2024/05/20 Historic Bellevue House reopens
2024/05/09 First Nation takes over operation of Gold Rush-era historic site
Call to Action # 86: Media and Reconciliation (84-86)
2024/05/31 Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication  
2024/05/31 Wilfrid Laurier University - Digital Media and Journalism
2024/05/31 Western University – Faculty of Information & Media Studies
2024/05/31 University of Ottawa Department of Communications Digital Journalism Program
2024/05/31 Sheridan College Faculty of Animation, Arts and Design College Diploma Journalism program
2024/05/31 University of Guelph - Humber Media and Communication Studies
2024/05/31 First Nations University of Canada - Indigenous Communication & Fine Arts
2024/05/31 Centennial College - School of Communications, Media, Arts and Design
2024/05/29 Mount Royal University - Journalism and Digital Media
2024/05/07 Toronto Metropolitan University School of Journalism
2024/05/07 University of Toronto Scarborough - Department of Arts, Culture and Media’s Journalism (Joint Program)
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/05/31 AFNQL Welcomes Hydro-Québec’s Intentions Regarding Wind Energy Projects
2024/05/30 Australian mining giant signs key deal for Ring of Fire EV nickel processing plant
2024/05/29 35 Indigenous communities, charitable organizations and municipalities to receive $25,000 each from Hydro One Energizing Life Community Fund
2024/05/28 RBC launches a new Truth and Reconciliation Office
2024/05/27 Disruption for Reconciliation in Action: AI Adoption as a Pathway to Inclusion
2024/05/20 Skyview 2 Battery Energy Storage Project to Revolutionize Eastern Ontario’s Energy Landscape
2024/05/17 The Innu Council of Pessamit, Innergex and the RCM of Manicouagan sign 30-year power purchase agreement with Hydro-Québec
2024/05/16 TELUS to provide free smartphones and wireless services to Indigenous women at risk or surviving violence in Quebec
2024/05/06 Indigenous Economic Participation Key to Growth in Saskatchewan
2024/05/06 Indigenous Economic Participation Key to Growth in Saskatchewan

Current Problems

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/05/28 Robinson Huron Treaty chiefs denounce Métis Nation of Ontario
2024/05/24 ‘For them, it’s money. For us, it’s life’: Grassy Narrows’ 60-year legacy of poison 
2024/05/23 ‘One of the biggest mistakes of his political career’: New book details what happened when Pierre Poilievre crossed Stephen Harper
2024/05/23 Rights and Remedies at the Supreme Court: Case Comment on Shot Both Sides v. Canada 
2024/05/21 Métis Nation of Ontario accuses Manitoba leaders of hypocrisy, politicking on identity issue
2024/05/17 If Canada wants to respect and recognize treaty rights, it must kill Bill C-53
2024/05/16 Otipemisiwak Métis Government accuses Manitoba Métis Federation of divisive politics
2024/05/14 Indigenous Identity Fraud Summit opens with denunciations, statements of solidarity
2024/05/09 Northern affairs minister says Métis Nation of Ontario has work to do in proving legitimacy
2024/05/08 Musée national de l’histoire du Québec – The First Nations cannot be erased from Quebec’s history
2024/05/07 Lawsuit filed by Chiefs of Ontario alleges Indigenous Affairs minister ‘made threats’ to organization over legal action
2024/05/03 ITK considers rejecting role on reconciliation oversight body
2024/05/02 Nitsénhaienhs travelled to Ottawa for Bill S-268 meetings
2024/05/02 AMC Calls Bill C-29 Redundant to Reconciliation
Home Page: Child Welfare (1-5): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/30 ‘If it’s not required, why even ask for it?’ First Nations slam Ottawa for requesting confidentiality agreements in child welfare negotiations
2024/05/23 Judge slams Quebec youth protection after Inuk teen placed in 64 different foster homes
2024/05/17 The situation remains critical for children in Nunavik according to the Commission des droits
2024/05/16 Mother, stepfather sentenced to 15 years in prison for horrific death of 6-year-old son
2024/05/07 Nova Scotia Must Do Better for Kids in Its Care – AG
2024/05/07 Quebec nixes commissioner role for Indigenous children's well-being
2024/05/02 ‘We are also human beings’: Quebec court authorizes off reserve class-action lawsuit against province, Canada
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/27 Extremely disappointing’: Minister slams Ottawa over funding cuts
2024/05/24 Chiefs call for action after teacher questions Fredericton school's powwow
2024/05/23 MUN has to weed out false Indigenous claims, report says — but the path forward is unclear
2024/05/15 Indigenous leaders adopt declaration condemning identity theft
2024/05/14 Graphic novel draws the ire of Manitoba Métis Federation, Métis National Council
2024/05/14 ‘Where did you suffer?’ Conference kicks off in Winnipeg on Pretendians
2024/05/13 Quebec accused of erasing history
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/24 Revive and promote the seal hunt, federal report recommends
2024/05/11 Imitation art is everywhere - and it’s hurting the livelihoods of Inuit artists who make the real thing
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/31 Navigating the complicated world of income assistance in the N.W.T.
2024/05/29 Federal governments’ words feel like a ‘smokescreen’ say WAHA officials
2024/05/24 New statistics on opioid poisonings paint a grim picture for First Nations people in Alberta
2024/05/23 Mercury poisoning near Grassy Narrows First Nation worsened by ongoing industrial pollution, study suggests
2024/05/22 Fourth First Nation in Manitoba declares state of emergency
2024/05/20 Two Indigenous nurses pave the way to overcoming a colonial past to lead in health care
2024/05/13 Coroner calls inquest into death of Raphael Andre because of ‘incomplete’ file
2024/05/10 Flesh-eating infection claims N.W.T. man's leg after he was removed from hospital
2024/05/10 Kainai Nation and it’s fight against the opioid crisis
2024/05/03 Yukon legislature passes motion to conduct review of organization that operates emergency shelter in Whitehorse
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/31 Video shows VPD officers laughing after woman is shot with beanbag
2024/05/31 Judge sets scope of inquest into death of Eishia Hudson, who was shot by Winnipeg police in 2020
2024/05/31 Video captures Winnipeg police officer threatening arrest, swearing at mother
2024/05/30 Canada's top court dismisses federal Indian day school survivor's appeal
2024/05/28 He spent two years in jail. His jury took two hours to find him not guilty
2024/05/28 Woman questions court’s authority, cites Indigenous rights; her case involves Victoria police chief
2024/05/26 AFNQL Condemns the RCMP’s Cultural Appropriation with New “Ribbon Skirt”
2024/05/26 Police's unsuccessful efforts to identify Mashkode Bizhiki'ikwe detailed in Winnipeg serial killer trial
2024/05/24 B.C. First Nation wants removal of RCMP officer over ‘racist’ social media posts
2024/05/22 First Nations leader says little change for women’s safety since Pickton murders
2024/05/15 Obstruction charge stayed for Prince George RCMP officer
2024/05/15 Saskatoon woman raising money for memorial to Starlight Tour victim Neil Stonechild
2024/05/14 Watchdog finds Mounties failed to properly investigate Indigenous woman's death — twice
2024/05/14 Judge orders psychiatric assessment of admitted serial killer
2024/05/10 Women's remains believed to have spent 2 weeks in same Winnipeg dumpster before going to landfill, trial hears
2024/05/09 Police find DNA of another 12 women at self-confessed killer’s apartment in Winnipeg
2024/05/08 Court, family hears how Indigenous women were murdered in Winnipeg
2024/05/08 Mother of Tim McLean talks about his murder and use of not criminally responsible defence in court
2024/05/07 N.W.T. needs to spend more to protect vulnerable people in territory say MMIWG advocates
2024/05/07 First Nations launch lawsuit against Ontario and federal governments claiming discrimination in policing
2024/05/06 Red Dress Day must result in more than just awareness, says mother of murdered Indigenous woman
2024/05/06 Trial of Winnipeg man who admits to killing 4 women to be heard by judge alone
2024/05/05 Ontario must recognize First Nations bylaws — failure to do so ‘will result in harm to our citizens’
2024/05/04 Wolastoqey chiefs demand police enforce banishment orders following woman's homicide
2024/05/02 Indigenous people can’t trust Thunder Bay police says Julian Falconer, lawyer representing families
2024/05/02 Why the RCMP Won’t Face Consequences for Dale Culver’s Death
2024/05/01 When your duty to protect the land clashes with settler laws
Home Page: Missing Children and Burial Information (71-76): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/05/27 Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc says '215' search for truth continues
2024/05/23 First Nations Begin Ground Search at the Lejac Residential School Site
2024/05/01 Haida Elder’s Lawsuit Against the Catholic Church Clears a Hurdle
Home Page: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/05/15 Indigenous consultant accuses NHL’s Blackhawks of fraud, sexual harassment
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/05/15 American Oil Company, Obsidian Energy Petitions to have an entire Canadian Indigenous Government Imprisoned for Peacefully Practicing Their Treaty Rights
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/05/28 Conservatives stall Indigenous clean water law, minister says
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/05/31 Sulphur dioxide levels off the charts in Ontario's Chemical Valley
2024/05/31 Norway's court rules against Indigenous control over northern territory
2024/05/28 Two more First Nations sue three levels of government for treating Red, Assiniboine rivers ‘as part of the sewage system’
2024/05/27 Grassy Narrows proves environmental racism is not over
2024/05/25 Don't take our jobs, First Nations spokesman tells Canadian PM
2024/05/23 The mercury poisoning Grassy Narrows First Nation was supposed to go away over time. A new study reveals why it’s worse than it should be
2024/05/23 Film takes a new look at dam and flood control intervention on the Columbia River
2024/05/16 First Nation in B.C. to reactivate judicial review of DFO’s salmon farm virus policy
2024/05/16 Kahnawake council investigating air pollution issue after complaints
2024/05/15 This First Nation in B.C. was ordered to leave in 2023 due to fires. 1 year later, it's happened again
2024/05/14 Oilsands carbon capture project must have a full assessment: Ecojustice
2024/05/10 Emergency co-ordinators missing in wildfire-prone communities
2024/05/07 Spiraling salmon populations ignite calls for urgent revisions as Alaskan fisheries continue to overfish
2024/05/06 AFN National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak Calls for Equitable Funding and Control in First Nations Emergency Management
2024/05/02 Toxic sewage discharged at Chalk River nuclear lab
2024/05/02 The true cost of critical minerals
2024/05/01 Manitoba First Nations seek billions in damages over Winnipeg sewage spill
Home Page: Food Insecurity: Other Issues
2024/05/22 Food Banks Canada’s annual Poverty Report Cards show most of the country on edge of failure as struggles with poverty continue to climb
2024/05/15 A mother’s fight against food insecurity spotlights struggle in the North
2024/05/08 Northern Affairs minister says ‘it’s to be determined’ if Nutrition North subsidy going to consumers
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/05/20 State of housing in First Nations laid bare
2024/05/15 ‘I should have owned a house by now’: The struggle to find affordable housing in the N.W.T.
2024/05/07 Montreal report highlights gaps in services for urban Indigenous population
Home Page: Suicide Prevention: Other Issues
2024/05/06 This mom took her 14-year-old daughter off life support. She says her suicide was preventable
Home Page: Treaties and Land Claims: Other Issues
2024/05/31 ‘An uprising in the making’: ‘Alberta’ chiefs say oil company’s forceful approach is an attack on treaty rights
2024/05/30 While waiting for land back, Pikwàkanagàn First Nation is opting to buy back
2024/05/08 Police present but not enforcing injunction at Alberta oil blockade
Home Page: Urban Commitments to Reconciliation: Other Issues
2024/05/02 Quesnel mayor censured, banned from First Nation's land

Background Content

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/05/30 ITK Board Of Directors Meets In Ottawa, Endorses Creation Of Urban Inuit Sub-Committee
2024/05/27 Métis Nation-Saskatchewan will tour proposed treaty across the province this summer
2024/05/25 A plan to finance First Nations
2024/05/21 Yellowknives Dene scholar on the 'critical history' of community's self-determination
2024/05/05 This court case could set groundbreaking precedent for Indigenous land rights in Europe
2024/05/01 Smiles and laughter as a Nation rebuilds
Home Page: Education (6-12): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/27 New exhibit lets audiences walk with the Road Allowance Métis people
2024/05/26 Archaeological excavation at Calgary park reveals ancient Blackfoot artifacts
2024/05/05 More than just a cookbook, traditional recipes preserve First Nation's history
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/16 Radical Stitch – The largest survey exhibition of contemporary Indigenous beadwork ever presented on the continent
2024/05/12 With seal-hunt initiative, Mi’kmaq elders, Nova Scotia agency seek to revive lost practice – and controversial industry
2024/05/01 Nation-to-nation ribbon skirt exchange honours MMIWG
Home Page: Health (18-24): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/20 Breaking down the barriers Indigenous people face in Canada’s health-care system
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/31 RCMP, FSIN sign agreement to improve communication, safety in Sask. First Nations
2024/05/30 New Winnipeg community patrol group Morgan’s Warriors to work without police
2024/05/23 RCMP add ribbon skirts to uniform line-up
2024/05/06 Q+A | N.W.T.'s outgoing top RCMP officer on reconciliation, change and 'an unprecedented year'
Call to Action # 26: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/23 Rights and Remedies at the Supreme Court: Case Comment on Shot Both Sides v. Canada 
Call to Action # 31: Justice (25-42)
2024/05/29 BC First Nations Justice Council Establishes Elders and Knowledge Keepers Council (EKKC), Welcomes Five Members
Home Page: Business and Reconciliation (92): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/05/28 Economic Reconciliation Requires First Nations to be Equal Partners, Says AFN National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak
2024/05/23 Government of Canada and Government of Nunavut Launch the Nunavut Regional Energy and Resource Table
2024/05/14 ‘There are some brilliant people here’: First Nations Economic Forum a first in Canada
2024/05/09 ‘Buy Indigenous’ shift could add $1B to their economy
Call to Action # 92: Business and Reconciliation (92)
2024/05/13 WSP Becomes an FNMPC Sustaining Partner in Canada
Home Page: Drinking Water Advisories: Other Issues
2024/05/22 Tom’s of Maine Pledges Ten Per Cent of Annual Earnings to Canadian-Based Charity Water First
Home Page: Environment: Other Issues
2024/05/28 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Improved Forest Management Project Launched
2024/05/01 West Coast Indigenous-led marine conservation area gets global spotlight
Home Page: Housing: Other Issues
2024/05/13 Indigenous Leaders: ‘Tree-to-home’ solution aims to increase reliable Indigenous housing stock

Indigenous Success Stories

Home Page: Government Commitments to Truth and Reconciliation: Government Commitments
2024/05/29 Murray Sinclair on his life’s new rhythm, same clear purpose
2024/05/15 Joan Phillip, the second First Nations woman in the ‘B.C.’ cabinet, is patient but unrelenting
Home Page: Language and Culture (13-17): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/29 Radical Stitch showcases the art of contemporary Indigenous beadwork
2024/05/17 Half century work from Mi’kmaw artist Alan Syliboy on display in Halifax
2024/05/10 Métis beadworker Jennine Krauchi honoured with prestigious art award
2024/05/08 Inotsiavik Centre in Labrador wins $1M Arctic Inspiration Prize
Home Page: Justice (25-42): Legacy Calls to Action
2024/05/14 Lisa Meeches hopes MMIWG documentary series returns to the airwaves
Home Page: Youth Programs (66): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/05/10 Nunavik woman named Ranger of the Year for her work with youth
Home Page: Sports and Reconciliation (87-91): Reconciliation CTAs (43-94)
2024/05/22 Berube takes over head coaching reins of Toronto Maple Leafs

Featured Content

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Indigenous Watchdog Status Updates – March 31, 2021

STATUS CHANGE Call to Action # 32 “Amend criminal code to depart from mandatory minimum sentences” changed from STALLED to IN PROGRESS Call to Action # 41 “Appoint public inquiry into MMIWG” changed from “STALLED” to “IN PROGRESS” What’s Happening with Reconciliation The following table provides a quantitative look into what is happening with reconciliation

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