Indigenous Success Stories

Language and Culture (13-17)

“Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading), A New Hope”: An alliance to revitalize the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) language set to make its premiere August 8, 2024

June 27, 2024

Anishinaabemowin version follows

NationTalk: Treaty 1 Territory – National Homeland of the Red River Métis – Winnipeg, Man. – The Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) version of Star Wars: A New Hope makes its debut August 8, 2024 at Centennial Concert Hall in Winnipeg. Manitoba. Starting on August 10, the film will debut in limited release in Winnipeg and other select markets. Walt Disney Studios Canada is collaborating with exhibitors in Winnipeg and other select markets to offer free screenings for the community.

The Ojibwe dub was directed by Ellyn Stern Epcar, produced by Michael Kohn and stars Aandeg Jedi Muldrew (Luke Skywalker), Ajuawak Kapashesit (Han Solo), Theresa Eischen (Princess Leia), Dennis Daminos Chartrand (Darth Vader), Dustin Gerald Morrow Aagimewikamig (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Tomantha Sylvester Nimi Anungo Kwe (C-3PO), Jeff Monague Myiingan Minaakwhe (Grand Moff Tarkin), John-Paul Chalykoff (Uncle Owen), and Wanda Barker Giwedinoonz (Aunt Beru).

Partners in the project include Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC), the University of Manitoba (UM), Disney/Lucasfilm, and APTN. Maeengan Linklater, Director of Operations (DOTC) and Cary Miller, Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies (UM) served as project leads. Patricia Ningewance, Assistant Professor (UM)/Lead Translator, Dennis Daminos Chartrand, Associate Translator, Brian Cochrane with Albert Owl regional translators led the translation.

The project brought together a wide range of talent and multigenerational Anishinaabe speakers to bring this version to life. The dubbing was done over a 10-day period in early May in Winnipeg with the final mix completed at Skywalker Sound. The project is supported in part by the Government of Canada through the Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program from Canadian Heritage. Dougald Lamont helped launch this project in 2021 after proposing it to Pablo Hidalgo, a former Winnipegger and Lucasfilm executive as a language revitalization project in support of reconciliation.

The film will make its debut on Disney+ and APTN on a future date with more details to be shared soon.

”Gi-ga-miinigoowiz Mamaandaawiziwin” (“May the Force be with you”).


Media Contact:
Sabrina Ortiz 

About Lucasfilm Ltd. 

Lucasfilm Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is a global leader in film, television and digital entertainment. In addition to its feature film and series production, the company’s offerings include cutting-edge visual effects and audio post-production, digital animation, immersive storytelling, and the management of the global merchandising activities for its entertainment properties including the legendary STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES franchises. Lucasfilm Ltd. is headquartered in northern California.

About DOTC 

Incorporated in 1974, the Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC) is one of the oldest tribal councils in Canada. The DOTC currently represents 16,000 citizens, providing programs and services to six First Nations in southwestern Manitoba: Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Dakota Tipi First Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation and Swan Lake First Nation. A fundamental part of the council’s vision and mandate is to promote, enhance quality of life for its members and attain the same opportunities and aspirations as those experienced by citizens elsewhere in Canada, and protect and promote the shared interests and aspirations of its member First Nations.

About the University of Manitoba 

The University of Manitoba is recognized as Western Canada’s first university, with more than 29,000 students, 5,000 academic staff, 3,900 support staff and more than 188,000 alumni. It is part of the U15, ranking among Canada’s top research-intensive universities and is Manitoba’s only medical-doctoral post-secondary institution. The University provides exceptional liberal arts, science and professional programs of study, inspiring undergraduate and post-graduate students to positively impact their communities as globally engaged citizens. UM campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininiwak, Anisininewuk, Dakota Oyate and Dene, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of Reconciliation and collaboration. For more information, please visit

About APTN 

APTN launched in 1999 as the first national Indigenous broadcaster in the world. Since then, the network has become a global leader in programming that celebrates the rich diversity of Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island and beyond. A respected charitable broadcaster, APTN shares authentic stories to Canadian households through basic channel packages via two distinct HD channels: APTN (English and French language programming) and APTN Languages (Indigenous language programming). APTN proudly features over 80% Canadian content and inspires audiences via multiple platforms, including its Indigenous-focused streaming service, APTN lumi.


Anishinaabewakiing Nitam Agwi’idiwin – Wiisaakodewininiwag Wendakiiwaad – Gaa-okosing, Manidoobaa akiikaan., Ode’iminigiizis 26 e-inangizod, 2024 – Star Wars: A New Hope gaa-anishinaabemoomagak wii-oshki-maadaatese Aditeminigiizis 8 inangizod, 2024 Centennial Concert Hall wedi gichi-oodenaang Gaa-okosing, Manidoobaang.   Aditeminigiizis 10 inangizod, da-ani-mazinaatese imaa mazinaatesewigamigong Gaa-okosing gaa-ayaagin, miinawaa gaye bakaan ningoji. Walt Disney Studios Canada owiijichigemaawaa’ ini ge-aanike-mazinaatesidoonid imaa Gaa-okosing zhigo bakaan ningoji ezhi-anishinaabekaag bizaanigo ji-gaganawaabanjigeng.

Owe gaa-anishinaabemoomagak ge-mazinaateseg, Ellyn Stern Epcar ogii-niiganishkaan, Michael Kohn gaa-bimiwidood izhichigewin. Gaa-aawiwaad: Aandeg Jedi Muldrew (Luke Skywalker), Ajuawak Kapashesit (Han Solo), Theresa Eischen (Princess Leia), Dennis Daminos Chartrand (Darth Vader), Dustin Gerald Morrow Aagimewikamig (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Tomantha Sylvester Nimi Anungo Kwe (C-3PO), Jeff Monague Myiingan Minaakwhe (Grand Moff Tarkin), John-Paul Chalykoff (Uncle Owen), zhigo Wanda Barker Giwedinoonz (Aunt Beru).

Mii ogowe gaa-maamawiikamowaad: Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC), the University of Manitoba (UM), Disney/Lucasfilm, zhigo APTN. Maeengan Linklater, Director of Operations (DOTC) zhigo Cary Miller, Assistant Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies (UM) gii-niigaaniiwag. Patricia Ningewance, Assistant Professor (UM)/gaa-niigaaniid aanikanootamaagewikwe, Dennis Daminos Chartrand, gaa-wiiji’iwed aanikanootamaagewinini, Brian Cochrane dago Albert Owl ogii-wiijitoonaawaa e-maamawi-aanikanotamowaad.

Gichi-anishinaabeg zhigo oshki-anishinaabeg gii-wiidanokiindiwag e-giizhitoowaad owe izhichigewin ezhi-wawiingeziwaad endaso-bebezhigowaad. Zaagibagaawigiizis e-maadaginzod, midaasogon gii-dazhiikewag wedi Gaa-okosing gii-anishinaabewisidoowaad e-biindweweshimindwaa. Gakina gii-ozhisijigaade wedi Skywalker Sound. Gichi-ogimaa gaye ogii-wiijitoon, Anishinaabemowinan zhigo Izhitwaawinan Izhichigewin ezhinikaadeg Canadian Heritage onji. Dougald Lamont gii-inendam ji-maajitood 2021 gii-akiiwang gii-ganoonaad ini Pablo Hidalgo-wan. Gaa-okosing gii-onjii awe inini, Lucasfilm dash endananokiid noongom, e-niigaanishkang anishinaabemowini-izhichigewinan zhigo maamiinochigewin.

Baamaa naagaj da-wiidamaagem aaniin apii ge-maadaateseg imaa Disney+ zhigo APTN.

”Gi-ga-miinigoowiz Mamaandaawiziwin” (“May the Force be with you”).


Iwe Lucasfilm Ltd

Lucasfilm Ltd onji-dibenjigaade imaa The Walt Disney Company eniigaaniiwaad e-ozhitoowaad gaa-mazinaateseg. Gaawiin eta gaa-mazinaateseg, gakina go gegoon gaa-izhichigeng ji-ozhichigaadegin ini daabishkoo gaa-izhinaagwak jiizhinaagwak, gaye gii-ishkwaa-mazinaatesijigeng, gaa-wawaakawiimagak, gaa-biindigeying mazinaatesijiganing, gaye e-adaawaagaadegin gakina mazinaatesijiganan gaa-dibenjigaadegin imaa daabishkoo STAR WARS gaye INDIANA JONES. Lucasfilm Ltd imaa giiwedinong California ayaamagan.


1974 gii-izhiseg gii-maajichigaade iwe Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC), maawach geteya’iiwan omaa Gaanada Akiing. Ngojigo 16,000 dashiwag gaa-dibendaagoziwaad imaa ngodwaachinoon ishkoniganan gaa-dibendaagokin imaa Birdtail Sioux First Nation, Dakota Tipi First Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibwe First Nation, gaye dash Swan Lake First Nation. Amii ezhi-andawendamowaad ji-wiiji’indwaa gakina Anishinaabeg gaye Bwaanag gaa-izhi-dibendaagoziwaad imaa ji-debinamowaad mino-bimaadiziwin daabishkoo gaa-debinamowaad godak awiyak miziwe omaa akiing.

Iwe University of Manitoba

Iwe Gichi-gikendaasoowigamig Manitoba, maawach michaa omaa Manitoba, Wiinibiigong dash ayaamagan. U15 izhi-dibendaagwan maawach niibiwa gikendaasowin omaawajitoonaawaa, mashkiiwininiwag imaa onjiiwag gaye Phd gaa-debinamowaad. Niibiwa imaa gikino’amawaaganag izhaawag e-gikin’amawindwaa ji-debinamowaad anokiiwin giizhitoowaad gikino’amaagoowin. UM anishinaabe’ owiidanokiimaawaa’ ji-debinigaadeg iwe gwayakosijigewin gaye ji-ziidonindwaa Anishinaabe gikino’amawaaganag. Awashime 29,000 dashiwag gikino’amawaaganag, 5,000 gaa-gikin’amaagewaad, gaye 3,900 gaa-wiiji’iwewaad gaye awashime 188,00 odaanaang gaa-gii-gikino’amawindwaa imaa.


1999 gii-izhiseg gii-maajichigaade iwe APTN nitam iwe edinowang akiing. Noongom dash giiyaabi obimiwidoonaawaa gaa-mazinaateseg ji-wabandamowaad gakina awiyag Anishinaabeg gaa-mazinaateshimindwaa. Ngojigo gegaa 10 miniyan daawining izhi-ganawaabanjigaade omaa APTN gaa-onjiimagak mazinaatesijigewin, ezhaaganaashiimoomagak gaye ewemitigoozhiimagak gaye niibiwa daswewaan anishinaabemowinan. Awashime 80% Gaanada Akiing gaa-onjiimagak mazinaatesijigewin APTN waabanda’iwewag gaue owe gaa-gii-ozhichigaadeg JI-izhi-waabanjigaadeg mazinaatesijigewin APTN lumi.