Background Content: Housing
Exploring Theme: "Fire Protection on Reserves"
Updates on this page: 4
(Filtered by Stakeholder "Ontario")
July 14, 2021
Coroner Findings on Fire Deaths in First Nations
Nishnawbe Aski Nation – In response to the Office of the Chief Coroner report, Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Chiefs of Ontario have identified the following priorities for major improvements to fire safety and prevention: Increase fire safety awareness and education through Amber’s Fire Safety Implement a standardized service delivery model across NAN Ensure community infrastructure...
July 1, 2021
Coroner Findings on Fire Deaths in First Nations
Ontario Chief Coroner’s Table on Understanding Fire Deaths in First Nations (OCC-UFDFN) The OCC-UFDFN examined fire deaths in First Nations communities in Ontario over a ten-year period, spanning from 2008 to 2017. This review identified 56 deaths in 29 fires that occurred in 20 First Nations communities across Ontario. Communities where the fatal fires occurred...
March, 2021
Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign Update report
Think about fire before it starts: Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign: Update Report 2021 Amber’s Fire Safe Campaign continues to: Provide a smoke detector in every home in NAN territory Enhance fire prevention education and increase fire safety awareness Develop plans for fire protection, fire-fighting equipment, services and infrastructure Develop partnerships with key fire protection organizations...
May 19, 2016
Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign
NISHNAWBE ASKI NATION (NAN) – AMBER’S FIRE SAFETY CAMPAIGN Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign includes a 10-point Action Plan detailing responsibilities, timelines and estimated costs. Action items: INAC to consult with NAN First Nations regarding funding and legislation Develop a Fire Protection Strategy for NAN communities Establish a funding model based on identified needs Build First...
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