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Exploring Theme: "Fire Protection on Reserves"

Updates on this page: 3 (Filtered by Stakeholder "Other")

September 12, 2023

CGI partners with Mustimuhw Information Solutions to advance fire safety for First Nation communities

NationTalk: MONTRÉAL – CGI (NYSE: GIB) (TSX: GIB.A) announces today that it is partnering with Mustimuhw Information Solutions Inc. (MIS) to develop a fire prevention solution for First Nation communities across Canada. This project is part of the Indigenous Digital Health Ecosystem (IDHE) initiative within the Digital consortium. IDHE will be a culturally aligned digital platform and suite...

December 5, 2017

NAN submission to “Fire Safety and Emergency Management in Indigenous Communities”

Dec, 05, 2017 – NAN’s submission to INACs Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs to provide insight and recommendations on the Committee’s study Fire Safety and Emergency Management in Indigenous Communities. NAN’s submission included the 10-point Action Plan above as well as several additional recommendations to improve fire safety and emergency management in NAN First Nations,...

March 19, 2016

Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) – Amber’s Fire Safety Campaign includes a 10-point Action Plan detailing responsibilities, timelines and estimated costs (attached). Action items:  INAC to consult with NAN First Nations regarding funding and legislation  Develop a Fire Protection Strategy for NAN communities  Establish a funding model based on identified needs  Build First Nation capacity to...

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