Background Content: Call to Action # 41

Exploring Theme: "Indigenous-led Initiatives"

Updates on this page: 5 (Filtered by Indigenous Group "First Nations")

August 16, 2024

Facebook is the ‘moccasin telegraph’ for missing and murdered Indigenous people  

Social media platform raises awareness, action on what still often remains hidden BY: FRANK ZUFALL – AUGUST 16, 2024 5:30 AM       Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Day of Awareness made a human chain around the Wisconsin State Capitol on Friday, May 5, 2023. (Wisconsin Examiner photo) NationTalk: Wisconsin Examiner – If you’re a Facebook (Meta) friend with a...

August 13, 2024

‘It’s never over’: Community gathers, braces for a serial killer’s sentencing hearing

APTN News: For the past two decades, Sandra Delaronde has been an advocate for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit people. Now she’s leading a committee called Gganwenimaanaanig, in English it means, We Take Care of Them All. The committee is tasked with holding governments and Canadians accountable when it comes to implementing the...

July 23, 2024

Memorial walk planned for 10th anniversary of Tina Fontaine’s death in August

Great-aunt calls for all missing and murdered Indigenous peoples to be honoured. APTN News: For nearly a decade, Thelma Favel has kept the curtains in her living room closed. It stops her from looking out the window and waiting for her grand-niece Tina Fontaine to come home. “Not a day goes by that she’s not...

June 25, 2024

Northern Manitoba families who’ve lost women and girls hold each other up

Families of Christine Wood, Hillary Wilson, Claudette Osborne speak out Some of the women and girls loved and missed from northern Manitoba. Photo: Austin Apetagon/NOMVD Media  APTN News: They’re members of a group no one wants to join. First Nations families from northern Manitoba who’ve lost women and girls to brutal crimes, usually in the...

March 1, 2021

Ceremony and Transitions: Culture-based Approaches to Violence Prevention

The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres OFIFC has released a comprehensive report demonstrating the connections between youth engagement in cultural rights-of-passage ceremonies and eliminating gender-based violence. Both on- and off-reserve, urban and rural, Indigenous communities are facing an epidemic of violence. By exploring the contemporary landscape of ceremonies, life-stage transitions, and other cultural practices...

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