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Exploring Theme: "Indigenous Youth Reports"

Updates on this page: 6 (Filtered by Stakeholder "Other")

July 16, 2024

Nunatsiavut to Nunavut: A Journey of Discovery for Youth

NationTalk: GATINEAU, QC – In a few short weeks, the SOI Foundation is embarking on its next educational expedition to Nunatsiavut and Nunavut, offering 20 diverse international youth a unique opportunity to travel aboard the Mi’kmaq-owned icebreaker Oqwatnukewey Eleke’wi’ji’jit (Polar Prince) together with a team of educators, scientists, Indigenous Elders, artists, and leaders. “This expedition...

June 18, 2024

Canada’s Indigenous youth call for environmental reconciliation and inclusion of Indigenous voices when taking climate action

NationTalk: Toronto – Deloitte’s Future of Canada Centre is launching Reconciling our relationships to preserve Mother Earth for future generations, the fourth volume of its Voices of Indigenous Youth Leaders on Reconciliation series. In it, Indigenous youth share their definition of environmental reconciliation, which provides opportunity for governments and industries to take responsibility for historical and...

February 5, 2024

Indigenous youth share their experiences with accessing mental health services, and offer solutions to improve outcomes

Solutions for improving mental wellness outcomes for Indigenous Peoples need to come from Indigenous communities, according to Deloitte Canada report NationTalk: Toronto – A new report from Deloitte Canada highlights the perspectives and insights of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis youth leaders as they navigate their healing journey, and provide recommendations for advancing reconciliation through...

June 14, 2022

From Discrimination to Meaningful Work: A Look into the Status of Urban Indigenous Youth Employment

The findings in this report are targeted for employers to better understand how to meet the needs of Indigenous employees and how to maintain good relationships with Indigenous communities and their Indigenous employees We believe that up-to-date and ethical research led by Indigenous peoples is important to know how things are going and where to...

July 9, 2019

Environics Research

What are the perspectives, experiences and priorities of Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth in Canada? A new national survey reveals how Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth in Canada view the future and reconciliation between their peoples. The first of its kind, the Canadian Youth Reconciliation Barometer charts the state of reconciliation among youth in Canada (ages 16...

January 21, 2018

We Matter: 2018 #HopeForum A Gathering of Indigenous Youth Leaders on Healing & Life Promotion

Jan. 21 – 22, 2018: The #HopeForum was organized in response to the current mental health and suicide realities of Indigenous youth and communities, and in light of the current national dialogue on the Indigenous youth suicide crisis, where these issues have not been addressed effectively. Indigenous youth have often been left out of discussions...

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