We call upon the federal government to develop a national plan to collect and publish data on the criminal victimization of Aboriginal people, including data related to homicide and family violence victimization.
Why “In Progress?”
On July 15, 2020 the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and Statistics Canada announced a commitment to work with the policing community and key organizations to enable police to report statistics on Indigenous and ethno-cultural groups in police reported crime statistics on victims and accused persons.
The StatsCan 2016 Census states “The data portrait of First Nations people, Métis, Inuit and their communities and businesses is not as comprehensive as it is for the general population.” That being said, the federal government is working with their provincial and territory partners to develop a comprehensive national Indigenous victimization data strategy.
StatsCan is also in the process of updating the Homicide Survey that will now include analysis of homicides of Indigenous women and girls as well as the “Victimization Survey” conducted every 5 years to incorporate Indigenous victimization data. StatsCan is also working with the Status of Women Canada to develop a new gender-based survey covering First Nations people, Métis and Inuit.
The new Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse, first launched in spring 2018, collects information on the use of these facilities by Indigenous women and children and on services for Indigenous populations. This survey and analysis is partially funded by Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
First results were published in April 2019: Canadian residential facilities for victims of abuse, 2017/2018, followed by an analysis in July 2020: Shelters for victims of abuse with ties to Indigenous communities or organizations in Canada, 2017/2018, highlighting results on facilities that have ties to Indigenous communities or organizations in Canada. This latter report was funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.
Current Status
In Progress
Call to Action
last updated
March 20, 2018
Latest Updates
Indigenous Victimization Statistics
Indigenous Victimization Statistics
Indigenous men and boys are seven times more likely than non-Indigenous men and boys to be a homicide victim.Indigenous women are almost three times as likely as non-Indigenous women……
March 20, 2018
Data Sources on Indigenous Victimization
Data Sources on Indigenous Victimization
There are five national sources of administrative data from within the justice system that report on Indigenous people’s contact with police and the corrections system:……
February 15, 2018