Call to Action # 60

We call upon leaders of the church parties to the Settlement Agreement and all other faiths, in collaboration with Indigenous spiritual leaders, Survivors, schools of theology, seminaries, and other religious training centres, to develop and teach curriculum for all student clergy, and all clergy and staff who work in Aboriginal communities, on the need to respect Indigenous spirituality in its own right, the history and legacy of residential schools and the roles of the church parties in that system, the history and legacy of religious conflict in Aboriginal families and communities, and the responsibility that churches have to mitigate such conflicts and prevent spiritual violence. 

Why “In Progress?”

Church Parties to the Settlement Agreement have all agreed to respect and honour Indigenous spirituality and various commitments to the church’s role in the history and legacy of residential schools and mitigating the spiritual violence within Indigenous communities. Schools of Theology and Seminaries are making progress.

Church Parties to the Settlement Agreement are:

  • The Anglican Church of Canada
  • The Presbyterian Church in Canada
  • The Roman Catholic Entities Parties to the Settlement Agreement
  • The United Church of Canada and
  • The Jesuits of English Canada

Current Status

In Progress

Call to Action
last updated

June 26, 2024

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