Call to Action # 66

We call upon the federal government to establish multi-year funding for community-based youth organizations to deliver programs on reconciliation, and establish a national network to share information and best practices.

Why “In Progress?”

The Government announced on Sept. 3, 2019 an Indigenous Youth pilot project delivered by the Canadian Roots Exchange that incorporates some of the recommendations from the final report submitted to the government by the Indigenous Youth Council (three youth advisors representing the voices of Inuit, Métis and First Nations youth with recommendations on how Indigenous youth want Call to Action # 66 implemented). The government did not, however establish one of the key recommendations: establishing “Indigenous Youth Voices as a permanent, arms-length, non-profit, national agency with a mandate to inform, implement, and build on the TRC C2A # 66.

Significant deletions from official federal government response

Deleted all reference to the Indigenous Youth Council and their mandate.

Current Status

In Progress

Call to Action
last updated

July 19, 2024

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