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Exploring Stakeholder: "Government of Ontario"

Updates on this page: 8 (Filtered by Theme "Systemic Racism and Discrimination")

September 18, 2024

Thousands rally at Queen’s Park to demand action on mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows First Nation

Toronto rally calls for compensation to people affected by Grassy Narrows mercury poisoning CBC News: People from the community of Grassy Narrows in northwestern Ontario held a rally at Queen’s Park in Toronto Wednesday to raise awareness about the impact of mercury poisoning in the area. As CBC’s Ali Chiasson explains, they’re calling for compensation...

September 12, 2024

Caravan from Grassy Narrows First Nation makes stops to educate about mercury poisoning ahead of Toronto rally

People going to rally next week call for compensation, respect for Indigenous Protected Area of land Warning: This story contains references to suicide. CBC Indigenous: Annie Sneaky says the loss of her two sisters to suicide is what drives her to defend the lands and waters of Grassy Narrows First Nation. “My twin sister and...

June 4, 2024

‘We have been met with a hard heart’: Frustrated at lack of progress, Grassy Narrows sues governments for failing to clean up mercury pollution

The lawsuit accuses Canada and Ontario of violating their treaty obligations by failing to ensure the community could safely fish. By Morgan Sevareid-BocknekInvestigative Reporter CBC News: Grassy Narrows First Nation is suing the federal and provincial governments, alleging Canadian and Ontarian officials have consistently put the profits of industry ahead of an Indigenous community poisoned by dumped...

April 19, 2024

UN puts spotlight on attacks against Indigenous land defenders, journalists

Indigenous peoples around the world are harassed and killed at alarming rates. Will the world act? Tear gas is deployed by police during a Maasai rights demonstration outside the Tanzanian High Commission in Nairobi in 2022.  Ben Curtis / AP Photo APTN News: When around 70,000 Indigenous Maasai were expelled from their lands in northern Tanzania in 2022,...

March 11, 2024

Painful discrimination still confronts too many Indigenous people: Ken Coates for Inside Policy

Canada has a long way to go before Indigenous peoples can be assured of fairness before the law or consistent acceptance in Canadian society. March 11, 2024 in Ken Coates, Inside Policy, Columns, Latest News, Indigenous Affairs Program, Social issues NationTalk: McDonald-Laurier Institute: Inside Policy – Most Canadians believe that life is getting better for Indigenous peoples in the country and...

May 16, 2023

Chiefs of Ontario Launches Public Education and Awareness Campaign Surrounding Systemic Racism

NationTalk: Toronto, ON The Chiefs of Ontario’s Justice Sector is proud to launch the newly developed Public Education and Awareness Campaign surrounding systemic racism. The campaign is intended to raise awareness about lesser-known systemic issues, the policy decisions that lead to them, and solutions to dismantle and correct them. In pinpointing various precise policy choices that...

June 15, 2021

AFN/Canada Race Race Relations Foundation poll

Assembly of First Nations – Thirteen years after the Government of Canada offered a formal apology to the survivors of the residential school system and families, 68 percent of Canadians polled still say they were either unaware of the severity of abuses at residential schools or completely shocked by it. A poll conducted by the...

January 7, 2020

8 Ways to champion Human Rights

Toronto Star – Toronto Star identified eight ways that Canada can champion human rights in the 2020s, including the following: First step is to adopt overdue legislation making the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Canada’s framework for rights and reconciliation. And to show we truly mean it: address mercury poisoning at...

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