Feb. 5, 2018 – “10 Ways to Build a Canada That Wins” that provides businesses, decision-makers and government with a series of clear priorities and objectives that, if addressed, will give Canada a competitive edge, improve productivity and grow our economy.
Number # 8 states “Provide Opportunities for Business Development to Support Self-determination for Indigenous Peoples.”
Entrepreneurship plays a key role in the economic, social, and institutional development of Indigenous communities. So too does their ability to benefit from environmentally sustainable industry, infrastructure and resource development projects on and near their lands. The economic and social benefits of encouraging greater and more inclusive participation by Indigenous peoples in employment and business development opportunities are shared by all Canadians. Canada’s future will be shaped by the more active economic participation of Indigenous peoples. We need to afford ample opportunities to entrepreneurs who are ready to do business to create wealth for their communities and families. Our challenge is to move from good intentions to initiatives that make a real difference in their economic prospects. New approaches need to be developed, and new tools must be made available to do so. This includes:
- a supportive tax and regulatory environment
- access to new business opportunities
- government programs that provide meaningful supports, and
- ready-access to education and training, leading to employment, apprenticeship and mentorship programs