Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 62 : Education for Reconciliation (62-65)

“Equity in Action” – Funding for BC First Nations based-operated schools on reserve

August 1, 2016

While the funding responsibility for First Nations based-operated schools on reserve rests with the federal government, the Province is contributing in several ways:

  • The Province, as of 2008/09, pays reciprocal tuition to these schools whenever they serve students otherwise eligible for a free B.C. public school education.
  • B.C., Canada, and First Nations, as represented by the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC), are implementing the Tripartite Education Framework Agreement (TEFA), which has, as of 2012/13, provided First Nations on-reserve schools with federal funding comparable to what the Province provides public schools.
  • Moreover, through TEFA, B.C. is sharing expertise and learning resources with the federal government and First Nations to help build capacity in the First Nations education system.

The Ministry has implemented the Equity in Action project specifically to look at ways to improve Indigenous student results and combat the “racism of low expectations” faced by Indigenous students.

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