Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 42 : Justice (25-42)

SSHRC funding to Rebuilding First Nations Governance project

August 24, 2020

Social Science and Humanities Research Council is funding $2.5 million over 6 years to support Rebuilding First Nations Governance (RFNG) project, an investigation into transforming Indian Act governance. RFNG is an alliance of First Nations communities and tribal councils and academic researchers and practitioners committed to working from the community level up to end Indian Act governance and build alternatives that realize the inherent right to self-government as affirmed in the Constitution Act”.

The project seeks Indigenous alternatives to the stranglehold the Indian Act has over all aspects of Indigenous lives in Canada. The question is “How does the 6-year timeline impact the governments implementation plan for UNDRIP? See additional details in C2A # 43 Federal Government commitment.