Indigenous Success Stories


Eagle Spirit Energy

June 26, 2018

CISION – The First Nations-led Eagle Spirit Energy. The ESE Chiefs Council, which represents the 35 Indigenous communities along the corridor, believes this project is a leading example of achieving reconciliation through economic empowerment. It also is a historic nation-building milestone given that it will be the first indigenous-led major infrastructure project in Canadian history. The Eagle Spirit Corridor will provide the environmentally safest, and profitable scenario for developing and marketing land-locked energy resources.
The Chiefs Council provided strict guidelines to develop the greenest possible corridor with the highest level of protection to traditional territories. Firstly, ESE will utilize green hydro energy for all power requirements in the corridor. Secondly, ESE has developed the most robust spill prevention model in the world—one that, exceeds the current minimal standards of the federal Oceans Protection Plan. Lastly, we will seek best-in-class technologies such as that of RII to produce Canadian oil with the lowest GHG footprint on the planet.”