Indigenous Success Stories

Education (6-12)

Inuit Recognition Award Highlights Dalhousie Professor’s Work

December 8, 2023

NationTalk: December 7, 2023, Iqaluit, Nunavut – Eric Oliver, of Nunatsiavut, who has worked tirelessly over the past decade to ensure East Coast research includes Inuit knowledge and Inuit community engagement, is the 2023 winner of the Inuit Recognition Award, as chosen by the ArcticNet Inuit Research Management Committee.

The award, which recognizes an Inuk who is committed to meaningful Inuit involvement in Arctic research, was presented on behalf of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami at ArcticNet’s Annual Scientific Meeting wrap-up gala in Iqaluit this week by Carla Pamak, Inuit Research Advisor for the Nunatsiavut Government and a colleague of Oliver’s on the Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures project.

“This award helps shine a spotlight on the amazing work of Inuit researchers and we are pleased today to be recognizing Dr. Eric Oliver. His commitment to building meaningful cooperation between researchers and Inuit, to advancing Inuit observations of climate change, and to mentoring the next generation of Inuit scientists is an example of Inuit self-determination at work,” said ITK President Natan Obed. “Congratulations Dr Oliver!”

Raised in Goose Bay, Labrador with roots from the Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Oliver studied physics and mathematics at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, received a Master of Science in Physics from the University of Ottawa and a PhD in Oceanography at Dalhousie University in Halifax, where he is now Assistant Professor.

Roberta Baikie-Andersen, who nominated Oliver for the award, said she did so because he is determined to do meaningful work in Nunatsiavut.

“He is also passing this down to all those that are connected to the projects he oversees,” she said. “He continues to share his knowledge with those he works with, but also instills in them the need to bring it back to Nunatsiavummiut. He has a love for home and shares this with others and encourages them to participate fully in all aspects of life in Nunatsiavut.”

Dr. Paul Snelgrove, Associate Scientific Director for Memorial University’s Ocean Frontier Institute, supported Oliver’s nomination with a glowing letter of support.

“In assessing Dr. Oliver’s contributions to Arctic research, we are immediately struck by the novelty and creativity of his approaches, and excellent training of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to work on important science questions grounded in ethical and safe practices,” Snelgrove said. “We feel that Dr. Oliver is a rising star, full stop.”

Oliver joins these past winners of the Inuit Recognition Award:

  • 2022 Jean Allen, Nunavut
  • 2021 Frank and Nellie Pokiak, Inuvialuit Settlement Region, and Elizabeth (Liz) Pijogge, Nunatsiavut
  • 2019 Robert Way, Nunatsiavut
  • 2018 Michelle Wood, Nunatsiavut
  • 2017 Lucassie Arragutainaq, Nunavut
  • 2016 Inez Shiwak, Nunatsiavut
  • 2015 Doug Esagok, Inuvialuit Settlement Region
  • 2014 Joey Angnatok, Nunatsiavut

For more information:

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami