The provincial government has appointed Manju Varma as the commissioner on systemic racism to develop an understanding of the nature and impact of systemic racism in New Brunswick. The commissioner, who will operate independently from government, will focus on the following objectives:
- Conducting a public consultation on the nature and impact of systemic racism on newcomers, Indigenous, Black, people of colour and other marginalized groups in New Brunswick.
- Thorough documentation of experiences in an effort to gather qualitative and quantitative data – performed through a number of means including, but not limited to:
- a review of previous recommendations;
- establishing a dedicated website;
- holding virtual meetings;
- receiving presentations and written submissions by email, mail or on the website;
- in-person meetings with the commissioner by invitation and on request; and
- virtual consultation sessions with foreign nationals, employers and other groups as necessary.
The commissioner will produce a final report by the end of September 2022, with recommendations for the government on the development of a provincial strategy and an action plan to address sector concerns such as:
- barriers to opportunity;
- equitable access to programs and services; and
- systemic racism in health care, education, social development, housing, employment and criminal justice.
The commissioner may also identify and address other sectors that impact these designated groups. The final report will be a public document.