Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 79 : Commemoration (79-83)

Legacy of Hope: 100 Years of Loss

November 4, 2019

100 Years of Loss – The Residential School System in Canada.

A collaborative effort, this education program was developed by a multidisciplinary team representing both education and museum practice, and is based on a museum education model. The program is comprised of two main components: the Edu-kit and the mobile exhibition. Throughout the research, planning, design, and development phases of 100 Years of Loss, the LHF worked closely with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis curriculum developers, researchers, and curators, and drew upon a wealth of Survivor testimony. This method assured that the program was developed in a culturally respectful manner and that the materials accurately reflect the experiences of Survivors.

IRS Survivors were represented in the review process and the texts of both the Edu-kit and exhibition were subject to a rigorous review and verification process by the Research Division of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. The bilingual mobile exhibition and curriculum are designed to raise awareness about the history and legacy of residential schools and includes companion educational resources for students in grades 9-12. The exhibition consists of eight thematic pods (4 in each official language), and a wavy wall that presents interweaving timelines, and lends itself to week-long activities or events, such as Aboriginal Awareness Week.

The 100 Years of Loss curriculum, targeted to Canadian youth aged 11-18, includes a timeline, videos including Survivor testimonies, and a Teacher’s Guide with six customizable lesson plans (12-24 hrs of activities), teacher resources and extension activities.

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