The BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) and the Province endorsed and signed a new First Nations Justice Strategy. The BCFNJC’s action is supported by resolutions from the BC Assembly of First Nations, the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and the First Nations Summit. The First Nations Justice Strategy sets a path for the partners involved in the strategy and the criminal justice system to work together to:
- reduce the number of First Nations people who become involved with the criminal justice system;
- improve the experience of those who do;
- increase the number of First Nations people working within the justice system; and
- support First Nations to restore their Indigenous justice systems and structures.
Strategy highlights include:
- a two-path approach that transforms the existing criminal justice system and builds the path toward restoring First Nations laws and justice systems;
- establishing a network of 15 regional First Nations Justice Centres around the province;
- developing a systemic approach to implementing the Gladue decision;
- establishing a presumption of diversion to divert First Nations people from the court system, wherever possible;
- improving cultural competency in the justice system;
- establishing roles for Elders and Knowledge Keepers within the justice system; and
- increasing community justice programming in each First Nations community.
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