Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 40 : Justice (25-42)

Mi’kmaq Indigenous Justice Program

January 25, 2022

Government of PEI: PEI Mi’kmaq Confederacy’s Indigenous Justice Program, the Province, with up to $100,000 in funding support from Justice Canada’s Indigenous Courtworker Program, has partnered with the Confederacy to deliver the Indigenous Courtwork Services to provide Indigenous offenders with culturally appropriate and responsive supports.

Our Court Worker will be a front-line, at the elbow advocate, for the Mi’kmaq and other Indigenous people navigating the justice system in Epekwitk. It will complement MCPEI’s Indigenous Justice Program; a program focused on restorative approaches through strong community connections and programming aimed at healing,” said Chief Darlene Bernard, Co-Chair of the Epekwitk Assembly of Councils.

The Indigenous Courtwork Services is part of Indigenous-led justice programs that helps Indigenous peoples take a greater role in the administration of justice within their communities by building on existing community-led programs, with the long-term goal of decreasing over-representation, victimization, crime and incarceration.