Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 41 : Justice (25-42)

National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence a significant step towards gender equality

November 9, 2022

Pictou County, Nova Scotia – Women and Gender Equality Canada

Living a life free from violence is a fundamental human right, but gender‑based violence (GBV) continues to be a significant barrier to achieving gender equality in Canada. It is one of the most pervasive, deadly, and deeply rooted human rights violations of our time. Federal, provincial, and territorial governments in Canada are committed to preventing and addressing it. 

Today, on behalf of the Federal, Provincial, Territorial (FPT) Ministers responsible for the Status of Women, the Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth and federal co-chair, is joined by the Honourable Karla MacFarlane, Nova Scotia’s Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act, and provincial co-chair, to announce a historic milestone – the endorsement of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

The endorsement of a 10-year National Action Plan to End GBV is a concrete step fulfilling a long-standing commitment of FPT governments to working together towards a Canada free of GBV, a Canada that supports victims/survivors and their families from coast to coast to coast. The National Action Plan sets a framework for anyone facing GBV to have reliable and timely access to protection and services, no matter where they live.  The five pillars of the National Action Plan are:  Support for victims, survivors and their families; Prevention; Responsive justice system; Implementing Indigenous-led approaches; and Social infrastructure and enabling environment.

The National Action Plan was made possible through close collaboration between FPT governments and is informed by engagement with Indigenous partners, victims, survivors, front-line service providers, GBV experts, academics and advocates.

The work to end GBV and achieve gender equality in Canada is far from done. With the adequate supports and services, victims and survivors of GBV are able to fully participate in the economic, social and political aspects of society. FPT governments – in partnership with victims, survivors, Indigenous partners, civil society, frontline service providers, municipalities, and the private sector – will continue working together to implement the National Action Plan in a way that responds to the evolving needs of and emerging issues for survivors and victims of GBV.

Note: Gender-based violence is a priority for the Government of Québec, which has invested significant funds to end violence against women. However, although it supports the overall objectives of the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, the Government of Québec cannot adhere to it because it intends to retain its full responsibility in this area on its territory. Through an agreement that respects its autonomy, the Government of Québec expects to receive its fair share of federal funding to support the programs, initiatives, and services to end gender-based violence that it puts in place based on the needs of its territory.


“We know that gender-based violence is unacceptable and has no place in Canada. We also know that it’s a significant barrier to achieving gender equality and our government is doing everything we can to prevent it and address its root causes. The National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence gives us the roadmap to address the persistent gaps in care, support and front-line services – bringing us closer to building a safer and more equitable Canada for everyone.”

The Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth

“Gender-based violence undermines a person’s sense of self worth and their self-esteem. It is deeply rooted in harmful stereotypes and has no place in our country. Nova Scotia is proud to be a part of this historic announcement and to re-affirm our commitment to preventing violence and supporting victims and their families.”

The Honourable Karla MacFarlane, Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act

Quick facts
  • The National Action Plan to End GBV and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People National Action Plan are closely aligned and mutually reinforcing, with both aiming to prevent gender-based violence; address its root causes; and provide better support for victims, survivors, and their families.
  • The statistics are troubling. More than 11 million people in Canada aged 15 and over have experienced intimate partner violence at least once since the age of 15. In 2009, it was estimated that intimate partner violence has an economic cost of $7.4 billion annually, and sexual violence, a cost of $4.8 billion annually. 
  • Gender-based violence disproportionately affects women and girls. In Canada, populations that are at risk of gender-based violence or underserved when they experience these forms of violence include Indigenous women and girls; Black and racialized women; immigrant and refugee women; Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and additional sexually and gender-diverse (2SLGBTQI+) people; people with disabilities; and women living in northern, rural, and remote communities. 
  • Under It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence (the federal GBV strategy), launched in 2017, the Government of Canada committed more than $800 million over nine years and over $44 million per year ongoing to advancing efforts to prevent gender-based violence, support victims and survivors as well as their families, and promote responsive legal and justice systems.
    • Budget 2022 committed $539.3 million over five years, starting in 2022-23, to support provinces and territories in their efforts to implement the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
  • Over the next few months, the Government of Canada will continue to work with provinces and territories to finalize bilateral agreements on crisis hotlines, building upon the Government of Canada’s commitment to providing approximately $300 million in emergency COVID-19 funding to support individuals experiencing gender-based violence.  
Associated links

Johise Namwira 
Press Secretary and Issues Manager 
Office of the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth 

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Women and Gender Equality Canada 

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