Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 10 : Education (6-12)

NTI is Seeking Expressions of Interests from Inuit Educators to Attend National Gathering for Indigenous Education

July 15, 2024

NationTalk: Iqaluit, Nunavut) Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) is seeking Expression of Interest from Inuit educators to attend the National Gathering for Indigenous Education, scheduled for Nov. 20-24, 2024, in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

An Inuit-centred education system is one of the foundational promises of Nunavut. A part of the Nunavut Agreement’s purpose is to recognize and affirm Inuit sovereignty, including the right to live in our language and culture. Providing an education system in Inuktut that centres Inuit ways of learning and knowing is essential to achieving that goal.

NTI recognizes the important role Inuit educators play in Nunavut’s education system, and the unique challenges they face. NTI conducted an Inuit Educator Survey in 2022, and 93% of respondents indicated that they would like to see more opportunities for Inuit educators to collaborate.

To help foster unity and connections, as well as to provide support mechanisms and continuous learning among Inuit educators, NTI would like to send a group of Inuit educators to the National Gathering for Indigenous Education. This opportunity will provide educators and partners a chance to share their voices and work together to improve the educational outcomes of K-12 Indigenous students.

“We appreciate and value the dedication of all Inuit who have taken on various roles within Nunavut’s education system,” said NTI President Aluki Kotierk. “Inuit educators face many unique challenges that other teachers do not have to face. It can often become discouraging. Inuit need to be provided the space to connect and draw inspiration from each other. Inuit educators need support to teach in Inuktut, in order to achieve the Inuit vision for bilingual education and self-determination in Nunavut.”

NTI will support up to 5 Inuit, one current educator from each region in Nunavut and two current students attending a teacher education program, to attend the National Gathering for Indigenous Education. All costs including travel, accommodation, and per diems will be covered by NTI, with funding support from the federal Department of Canadian Heritage’s Pathfinder Agreement.

In order to be considered, please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to by 5:00pm EST on September 6, 2024, at the latest.

The Expression of Interest (EOI):

  • May be submitted in Inuktut or English;
  • Must be no longer than 1-2 pages;
  • Answer the question “What does Inuktut learning mean to you?”; and
  • Must include information about the individuals current and prior experience in education.

Our Mission: “Inuit Economic, Social and Cultural Well-being Through Implementation of the Nunavut Agreement”


If you would like assistance in submitting your EOI, or have any questions, you may contact NTI’s Inuktut Education Support Manager, Peter Ottokie at 867-975-7582 or toll-free at 1-888-646-0006.


Media Contact:
Ivaluarjuk Merritt
Director of Communications
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated