Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 7 : Education (6-12)

Ontario Investing Over $3.6 Million to Train Workers in Hamilton

July 2, 2024

Investment will train up to 3,800 workers for in-demand jobs in the skilled trades

Office of the Premier 

Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development 

NationTalk: HAMILTON — The Ontario government is investing over $3.6 million through the Skills Development Fund (SDF) in four training projects and one building expansion project in Hamilton. These investments will provide free training for up to 3,800 apprentices, journeypersons and jobseekers, preparing them for careers in in-demand jobs such as millwright, welding and electrical trades.

“Our government is giving workers in Hamilton the support and skills training they need to find good-paying, in-demand jobs,” said Premier Doug Ford. “By continuing to invest in our Skills Development Fund, including the brand-new SDF capital stream, we’re also helping build up Ontario’s labour force so we can support provincial businesses and attract new investment, better jobs and bigger paycheques for Ontario workers.”

The funding announced today goes to the following training and capital projects:

  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 105 is receiving $2,388,405 for two training projects to help a total of 80 unemployed or underemployed, disadvantaged or underrepresented people gain entry-level electrical skills and safety training as well as Red Seal electricians looking to upskill and obtain their welding certificate in Hamilton and the surrounding area.
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 1916 (operating as Millwright Local 1916) is receiving $797,953 for a project to provide 125 millwrights, apprentices and journeypersons with training on the latest technology used on jobsites, including on optical levels and shaft alignment lasers. Training will also be provided to jobseekers, youth, women, recent immigrants and Indigenous peoples in Hamilton as well as Grey, Bruce, Brant and Waterloo counties.
  • International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers Local 736 is receiving $178,460 for a project to help up to 50 ironworker apprentices, journeypersons, jobseekers, women, Indigenous peoples, youth and others gain welding skills and to support the purchase and outfitting of four new welding booths at the Local 736 training facility.
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 1916 (operating as Millwright Local 1916) is receiving $248,338.86 for a project to build a new mezzanine level to improve Local 1916’s existing training centre in Hamilton. This will increase available training space by 15 to 20 per cent, growing Local 1916’s capacity for apprenticeship programs and training certifications for safety training and technical and leadership skills, including for welding and optical and laser alignment. Up to 3,545 members are expected to benefit from the increased training capability over the next six years in construction millwright and industrial mechanic trades. This will include women and Indigenous peoples in Hamilton.

“As Ontario continues to grow, we need to attract more people into the skilled trades,” said David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. “Our government has achieved impressive results for workers and jobseekers by working closely with labour and industry partners.”

Over the next decade, more than 500,000 additional workers will be needed in skilled trades-related occupations in Ontario. These skilled jobs are needed more than ever as Ontario moves forward with our plan to build more homes, highways and other key infrastructure across the province. The government is investing in the skilled trades with training, new equipment and new facility construction and renovations. These enhanced training centres will help thousands of additional workers get the training they need to get better jobs and ensure employers can find the skilled workers they need.

Quick Facts

  • Ontario’s $224 million SDF Capital Stream was launched by Premier Ford in June 2023.
  • Ontario’s total investment in the SDF Training Stream is nearly $1.1 billion.
  • The SDF Training Stream has supported over 700 training projects across the province to date.
  • Since its launch in 2021, Ontario’s SDF has supported projects that are helping almost 600,000 workers train for in-demand sectors, including over 66,000 construction workers, over 92,000 manufacturing workers and over 36,000 personal support and health care workers.
  • More than 420,000 of these participants are expected to be from an underrepresented group such as women, youth, persons with disabilities and Indigenous peoples.
  • People interested in participating in the programs announced today are encouraged to contact the lead organizations of the projects directly.
  • Over the next decade, nearly 1,100 additional iron workers, over 14,600 additional electricians, nearly 9,500 additional construction millwrights and industrial mechanics and over 9,000 additional welders will be needed in Ontario due to retirements and job growth. About 11,800 of these job openings are expected to be in Central Ontario, which includes the Hamilton-Niagara area.
  • The SDF Training Stream is supported through labour market transfer agreements between the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.


“Through the Skills Development Fund our government is investing in the future of Ontario, right here in Hamilton. Removing barriers to entry for the next generation of skilled tradespeople will empower Hamiltonians by providing the training and skills they need to get good paying, in-demand jobs in sectors that will continue to be an important part of achieving our housing needs.”

– Neil Lumsden
MPP for Hamilton East – Stoney Creek

“Our government remains committed to addressing the province’s labour shortage and helping more people find meaningful work. This investment will allow workers to become properly trained in in-demand jobs in the Hamilton region.”

– Donna Skelly
MPP for Flamborough – Glanbrook

“Tradespeople build this province. Hamilton has a long and proud history of workers who have worked hard and created incredible products that are world-leaders in innovation and progress. With this support through the Ontario Skills Development Fund, even more workers in Hamilton will be able to continue this proud legacy and bring home good pay-cheques from excellent careers. Additionally, the skills provided through these programs will help build the roads, the bridges, the cars and the hospitals that will provide Ontario with a legacy of strength and progress.”

– Sam Oosterhoff
MPP for Niagara West

“A skilled workforce is a top priority to attracting and retaining globally competitive business in Hamilton. I am absolutely thrilled with today’s announcement of the Ontario government investing over $3.6 million through the Skills Development Fund (SDF) in four training projects and one building expansion project in Hamilton. I want to thank the Provincial government, Minister Piccini and Premier Ford for their support. This investment will greatly benefit Hamiltonians and continues to highlight the valuable and necessary career paths that exist in these industries.”

– Mayor Andrea Horwath
City of Hamilton

“Through the Skills Development Fund, UBC Millwrights Local 1916 will be able to efficiently deliver training with new equipment and expand our training facility to support our growing membership. This partnership with the Ontario Government, Premier Ford and Minister Piccini has enabled us to ensure our members are fully equipped with the skills needed for a successful future in the skilled trades.”

– Brad Sutton
Business Manager, UBC Millwrights Local 1916

“Ironworkers Local 736 is grateful for the support provided by the Ontario Government and Minister Piccini. By ensuring access to essential resources and training, future ironworker apprentices, journeypersons, youth and jobseekers will benefit significantly. This investment will help Ontario’s resilient skilled trades workforce become even more stronger than ever.”

– Steven Pratt
Business Manager, Ironworkers Local 736

“Through the continued support of the Ontario government and the Skills Development Fund, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 105 can successfully enhance our members skill sets, recruit individuals from diverse backgrounds, sustain ongoing education and meet the ever-evolving demands of the skilled trades. Some of our training projects would not be possible without these crucial resources and support that Minister Piccini has offered. We look forward to working with Minister Piccini on some key issues facing our skilled trades, mainly the enforcement of compulsory electrical work being performed by Red Seal electricians and registered apprentices.”

– James Bonnell
Business Manager/Financial Secretary, IBEW Local 105

Additional Resources

Media Contacts

Alexandra Sanita
Premier’s Office

Chris Poulos
Minister Piccini’s Office

Communications Branch