The study was based on Toronto’s indigenous population that – based on preliminary findings – is approximately 2-4Xs larger that what Statistics Canada reported (2011 NHS). Why the difference? Many indigenous people move frequently or are homeless and the study did not require a fixed address (unlike the National Household Survey (NHS) that uses mailing addresses from a voting registrar. “While attempts at assimilation have not been successful, the implementation of these policies has negatively influenced structural determinants of health, such as housing, income, employment and land ties,” said the 70-page study. “They also undermined language, cultural expression, and family systems. The result is a continued negative impact on the health of Indigenous peoples — including mental and emotional health and well-being.”
The study had four primary objectives:
- Understanding the health and health service needs of indigenous peoples in City of Toronto by including a sample that included everyone, NOT just those who use programs and services
- Asking participants about their holistic health, health determinants and health needs
- Understanding the key factors linked to emergency room use over time
- Research done by indigenous people FOR indigenous people…”nothing about us without us”.
The “Our Health Counts Toronto” report presents detailed findings in all of the following categories:
- 2016 OHC Toronto Population Estimate
- Project Overview and Methods Factsheet
- Demographics Factsheet
- General Health Factsheet
- Housing and Mobility Factsheet
- Nutrition & Food Security Factsheet
- Chronic Health Conditions Factsheet
- Oral Health Factsheet
- Reproductive & Sexual Health Factsheet
- Parenting & Child Protection Agency Involvement Factsheet
- Residential Schools Factsheet
- Missing Persons Factsheet
- Criminal Justice Factsheet
- Violence & Abuse Factsheet
- Discrimination Factsheet
- Mental Health Factsheet
- Two-Spirit Mental Health Factsheet
- Substance Use Factsheet
- Culture & Identity Factsheet
- Community Resource Needs Factsheet
- School Experiences Factsheet
- Child Development Factsheet
- Immunization Factsheet
- Neonatal Health Factsheet
- Perinatal and Infant Feeding Factsheet
- Access to Health Care – OHC Toronto