Actions and Commitments

Call to Action # 14 : Language and Culture (13-17)

Collaboration to reach agreement to support Inuktut in Nunavut

September 9, 2019

The Government of Canada, the Government of Nunavut, and Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated are collaborating toward an agreement that will support, revitalize and strengthen Inuktut in Nunavut. In accordance with section 9 of the Indigenous Languages Act, the pathfinder agreement seeks to support:

  • increasing access to Inuktut-language instruction in Nunavut;
  • increasing and maintaining the number of proficient Inuktut-speaking Inuit educators;
  • increasing the number of fluent Inuktut speakers in Nunavut; and
  • establishing the Nunavut Partnership Table on Language and Education.

Subject to the details of an agreement to be finalized by the Nunavut Partnership Table on Language and Education, the Government of Canada is pleased to announce it would commit up to $42 million dollars over a five-year period to support this work. Over the same period, the Government of Nunavut will invest a total of $25 million to introduce a new laddered approach to the Nunavut Teacher Education Program where students can work towards various levels of certification: a Nunavummi Inuktut Uqariuqsatittijiunirmut Ilinniarniq certificate, a language specialist diploma or a bachelor of education degree