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Urban Commitments to Reconciliation

Stronger Together: A Toolkit for First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development Partnerships

June 3, 2015

Released in September 2015, our Stronger Together toolkit is based on the experiences and learning that emerged from CEDI’s Phase 1.

The toolkit guides CEDI First Nation and municipal partners into a positive and respectful way of working together on longer-term community economic development (CED) using a 4-step process.

The toolkit is also useful to non-CEDI organizations such as tribal councils, chambers of commerce, provincial and territorial associations, treaty commissions and regional economic development agencies involved in CED.

Many municipalities and First Nations want to collaborate but do not know where to start. There may be big differences in the communities’ legal rights, economic conditions, demographics, cultures, and how they govern themselves.

The Stronger Together Toolkit offers step-by-step suggestions on how to bridge differences so partners can find new ways to work together for mutual prosperity.

Click on the following link to access the full “Stronger Together ToolKit*rnp46o*_ga*NzU2MTU3MjQzLjE2ODY4NTI0Mzc.*_ga_B4BFFLM1JF*MTY4Njg1MjQzNy4xLjAuMTY4Njg1MjQzNy42MC4wLjA.

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