Indigenous Success Stories

Media and Reconciliation (84-86)

The Indigenous Reporters Program

July 6, 2005

Journalists for Human Rights – Launched in 2014 the Indigenous Reporters Program seeks to increase the quality and quantity of Indigenous stories and voices in media in Canada. To achieve this the program:

  • Works directly in and with Indigenous communities, engaging interested community members on journalism and media literacy capacity building programming.
  • Creates pathways of opportunities for Indigenous peoples to pursue careers in journalism through internship, mentorship and networking opportunities ultimately strengthening Indigenous voices in Canadian media.
  • Engages and trains non-Indigenous journalists and journalism students on best practices for reporting on Indigenous stories to ensure stories are reported on with more accuracy, frequency, and offer better informed perspectives.

“Our original target was to train 300 people, and we’ve now trained over 1,600,” says program lead Megan Fowler. “Our goal is to move beyond a one-time training approach and assist with curriculum development and institutional changes that increase the quality of reporting on Indigenous stories.”