Current Problems

Justice (25-42)

“The Petty Trespasses Act”

March 5, 2021

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs – AMC states that “Bill 63 The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers Liability Amendment Act (Petty Trespasses Act)” introduced for first reading in the Manitoba legislature “attempts to legislate its way into First Nations’ areas of autonomy and jurisdiction. “The AMC cannot allow provincial laws to violate Treaty rights. First Nations Treaty rights are paramount, superseding provincial laws. This remains true, and has been repeatedly upheld at the Supreme Court of Canada on issues of trespassing,” added Grand Chief Dumas. “The AMC and First Nations leadership puts the Province on notice that we will explore all options, including legal challenges and political action to fight for and protect Treaty rights. We will not permit any provincial legislative measure to target First Nations directly, infringe civil liberties and violate Treaty and inherent rights,” continued Grand Chief Dumas.

The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba should not be used to promote partisan bickering and pursue party politics in a manner that uses its legislative ability to attack First Nations’ inherent and Treaty rights. The AMC will continue to stand up and defend First Nations and their rights and interests

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